Chapter Seven: An Electric Eel . . .

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    "Nice work," Humpback said as I approached him with the coral. He already looked better! "Next you have to get the eel. I'll hold onto both of them. Come back when you have an eel, and DON'T touch it. It can spark at any time, so whatever you do, don't -"
    "Touch it, I know. See you in a bit, brother!" I dove back into the water, my mind racing with all the possible places.
    Okay, so obviously there's the coral reef, but when I went there with father, I didn't see any eels, so they're most likely not there. Maybe I can come back if I don't find one in a different place. I can also search near the palace. It would make sense that the eels would want to stay away from the palace, but I should check just in case. And . . .
    If it makes sense for eels to be away from the palace, they won't be at the palace. Unless someone made them go there. Maybe . . .
A new idea in my mind, I started swimming toward the prison in the Summer Palace. I waved to Humpback, who gave me a confused wave back. I continued toward the prison, flying toward it as I got out of the water.
    Oh, hey, I never flew before. This is new. I shrugged and flapped (a little clumsily, might I add) toward the cells containing the prisoners; A MudWing, two IceWings, and a few SandWings. The IceWings were together, complaining about the heat, while the SandWings who were near them were complaining about how cold it was, and the IceWings shot annoyed looks at them. The MudWing seemed less interested in that and more interested in me. She didn't take her eyes off of me, so I moved to the back out of sight of the prisoners. I looked into the island that had a moat around it.
    I backtracked to the prisoners, who were surrounded by waterfalls of sizzling water. I looked down at the water, and there were . . . yes! There were eels in the water. And not just any eels! Electric Eels!
    I yelped with joy and hurried to the back out of sight of the prisoners again, though I could practically feel them craning their necks to see what I was doing. Just in case, I went farther back.
    Soon I could see a small (like, really small) prison cell that was WAY out of sight of the few prisoners. Looking around to make sure no one was watching, I turned the waterfall thing on with some sort of mechanism . . . soon there were eels in the water.
    A while after the eels got settled, I enchanted a small loose rock from the cell next to the one I was using to suspend an eel in midair, keep it healthy and safe, act as if it is in water, and be invisible to the other dragons.
    I turned off of the water and went out as casually as I could. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw The MudWing narrow her eyes, and I rushed out of the prison.
    As I neared Humpback, I slowed down and landed at his feet. I showed him the rock, but he didn't see it because it was . . . well . . . invisible to him.
    "What are you showing me?" He asked.
    "The eel." I replied. "I made it invisible. Quick fill the coral with water and I'll put in the eel."
    Humpback obliged without protest, though I could tell he was still a little confused.
    Soon, the bowl-shaped coral was filled with water, and gently, I set down the eel, throwing the rock away as I did so. Quickly, I shattered the stone with another, stronger stone. The magic gone from the loose rock, the eel reappeared and started swimming around the coral, sloshing water down the bowl's sides.
    "We should put this somewhere." Humpback said. "So the water doesn't flow out. We can create a system that -"
    "We have animus magic, you idiot." I mumbled.
    "Right." Humpback said. He enchanted the bowl to keep refilling with water every time it ran out.
    "I can't believe it." Said a new voice. My heart stopped. Humpback was already gone, claiming he had to take the bowl away. He wasn't there when this dragon approached.
    "You're an animus!" The voice cried. Slowly, I turned around. At least this dragon doesn't know about Humpback. I thought. Then, I looked around. The Summer Palace was deserted. It was just me and this MudWing -
    Wait. What was a MudWing doing here?
    She escaped from the prison! I thought. The MudWing laughed.
    "I can see on your face that you figured it out, little dragonet. Well, you can clearly be useful."
    Then she grabbed me and flew out of the Summer Palace's canopy.

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