Private Getaway

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Logan's Point of View!
Later That Night!

After my party which I must say was amazing Luke and I finally left for our Private getaway.  We had been on the Private plane for at least five hours when we finally landed.  We called a car and drove an hour to a dock and boarded a boat.  The boat ride was calming and relaxing and we finally arrived at this beautiful house.  " You're joking," I said as the captain helped me off the boat.  Luke laughed.  " Luke, you're joking," I said running off towards the house.  I was jumping up and down when look finally got to the door to unlock it.  When Luke opened the door I ran inside looking around.  It was so beautiful.  I can't believe how beautiful it is here.  " You did this for me," I said as I finally caught up with him upstairs.  " I'd do anything for you," Luke said smiling.  I hugged him and he hugged me back so tight.  "Let me go finish getting us settled in beautiful " Luke said smiling.  I smiled back.  I walked away and let him finish what he was doing and walked around.  When I got outside there was a private pool.  I took off my clothes until I was only in my bra and panties and then I got inside the pool. 

I swam around for about 30 minutes when I looked up and saw Luke.  I smiled swimming over to him.  " Hi beautiful," Luke said standing a the edge of the pool.  " Get in with me please, " I said standing up.   " Baby " Luke said disapproving.  " Please " I begged.   Luke sighed taking off his shirt and shorts leaving on only his boxers. He got into the pool and I smiled hugging him.   While we splashed around in the pool and all I could do was smile and laugh.  especially when Luke almost slipped trying t get out of the pool and run from me.  I ended up being able to jump on him and dunk him under.   We finally got out and went to take a shower and clean up.  I spent at least 30 minutes in the shower.  I knew I was ready to shower, eat and sleep.  After my shower, I put on some of Luke's basketball shorts and an oversized shirt.  When I came out of the bathroom I went downstairs to see that Luke had ordered seafood.  

I smiled and went to sit next to him at the table after he pulled my chair out for me to sit down.  Luke had a romantic dinner set out for us.  He had candles, Rose petals, soft music playing the whole nine yards.  I've never known someone could be this perfect.  It just doesn't make any sense to me.  I never knew someone could love me this way or that I could love someone this way.  When Luke says he loves me he actually loves me so much.  He treats me like a princess.  He always puts me first in every situation.  He literally spoils me.  This is what I mean by I love him.  I honestly couldn't see myself with anybody else except Luke.   Once we both had taken a seat Luke leaned over and kissed my cheek and we began to eat.  For the first ten to twenty minutes, it was quiet as we just sat and ate, then Luke asked " Are you sure you're ready"?  I hadn't even thought about that situation since we got here.   I choked on my food taking a quick sip of my water. 

" Excuse me, " I asked confused? " Are you sure you're ready?  To have sex I mean " Luke asked sighing.  " Yeah, I think so.  Why are you asking me that " I asked confused?  " It's bugging me.  Truthfully it's really bugging me.  Like what if things aren't the same?  What if We end up hating each other afterwords " Luke asked?  " Shouldn't this be how I am acting? " I asked trying to lighten the mood?   Luke snickered a little.  " That's for telling me I'm acting like a girl," Luke said laughing.  " Just a little, " I said laughing.  " I just don't want things to change.  I would rather everything be just as perfect if not more as they are now.  You have so much coming up and you need to focus as well as other things like I just don't know.  I don't want to become a detraction.  You have your whole life ahead of you and what if one day you decide that this was a mistake " Luke said but I stopped him before he could finish.

  " You will never be a mistake to me.  I am in this for the long run " I said confused.  " Dude I sound like such a girl.  What did you do to me?  Like I've rangled with the most dangerous people and with you,  I have this entire soft side I never even knew I had.  Look I know I've had my fair share of relationships and things but when I tell you it's different with you I mean it's different.  I've never loved anyone the way I love you " Luke said causing me to blush. " Well you're my only relationship besides Lexington," I said.  " Oh yeah the lame you tried to Replaced me with but couldn't succeed, " Luke said with an attitude.  " Oh, I don't know he was pretty close if you ask me," I said going to put my plate away.

" Whatever " Luke said walking upstairs behind me.  We went upstairs to go lay down seeing as though we both were pretty tired from the plane ride here and pretty jetlagged so we decided to sleep today and go out tomorrow and have fun with each other.  Just so we are not all tired and drained and we can actually get out and be open-minded and enjoy each other's company. 

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