America and its Tv Award showzzzz/The Rich Sit on the poor crushing our backs!

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Public subliminal shows held by the rich to make fun of the middle to lower social economic class. The rich gather up in groups and suck  the wealth out of a Society with the help of the "leaders" in the Society as long as they can benefit from one another yet all is "well" right? Wrong! I am not to become a laughing stock for the Wealthy.
But yet if I am of no worth to the high and mighty life changers and if I have no choice then I must be who the rich say I am due to the fact that they will only see what and who they want to see, they don't see the "weak" or poor at all tho they suck there money right out of them and they believe that they dictate lives in high and low places, I want to say the Rich didn't dictate my life yet in a sense I have to say that they do dictate my life and where I will end up as tho i have become forced to work for lower wages by a society who only respects wealthy families.

Dear Wealthy Men and Woman of our American Society

You do not dictate The young and The poor for free, you don't get to manipulate their minds and steal their time and bodies for free!, as you know everything has a price and if in some way your getting away with your Brain Games that you have bestowed upon The "weak" and unfortunate woman and men of our time then just know My God comes with a fiery jealous wrath for the wicked and the evil rich will be atoned for their sin and suffering that they have bestowed upon the forcibly "Weaker" lower Social economic Class.

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