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Your POV
I always knew I never needed an Alpha, I was an Omega yes, but who needed an Alpha I certainly didn't. As I walked inside the Building for unmarked people I got a phone call, I was supposed to move a month from now into a dorm house to get my teaching degree, I've always wanted to be a teacher since I could think about what I wanted to do, it began to rain, I answered the call, "Where are you" A yell erupted from my phone, I almost dropped it but caught it "I'm at the grocery store" I said "Really then why is your car still here" my Dad yelled, Ever since I came out as an omega he's been really protective of me, if that's what you call it, "Look I'm at an Unmarked center" I said "What, Why" he asked "Dad, do I really need to explain" I said "Oh... Sorry, okay, I'll go now, Bye" Dad said "Bye" I said as I hung up, I walked up to the front desk, I had already reserved a room last week, I just had the feels it was going to happen, "Yeah, Hello" I said, The lady that was in the front desk looked at me "Name and Date of Birth" She said "Oh, Um, Y/N, Y/L/N and February 22, 1997" I said she nodded and typed in her computer, then a minute later she printed out a paper walked to the printer and walked back signed it and handed it to me "Your room is ready" She said "Thank you" I said as I took the paper, I checked my phone it was 4:45 pm. I walked to the stairs, the room was two floors up, I started my walk and halfway threw almost slipped but I caught onto the rail just in time, I got up and realized I was already there. I opened the door and saw a bunch of rooms, I checked my room number it said 10, I found 8 and 9 but not 10, I walked a little bit more and found a hallway, I walked down the hallway and finally found the room, I entered and saw that room was a lot different then what I had reserved, I spotted a letter on the bed, I grabbed it and read it.
We hope you enjoy your stay Mr. T.H
I put the letter back down and looked around, there was a bathroom and a closet, on the side table there was a bunch of water bottles, I found a little cabinet and opened it, there was a towel and a butt mold, this wasn't right I didn't need this, I looked around even more and noticed there were no Slick pads in the restroom. I bent down and examined the sink, it had a bunch of tiny soaps and a blue towel beside it, then I heard the door open, I looked and saw "Tom Holland" I said louder then I intended, he probably didn't see me because he turned and looked at me, he had a black cap on with grey shorts and a black hoodie with red shoes, "Who are you" he asked "Wait, what are you doing here" I asked "What, this is my room" Tom said, now it made sense the T.H initial on the card and the butt mold, "I have to get out of here" I said then I heard Thunder outside and the power went out, everything was dark, "Tom" I said "Yes" I heard him say back, I pulled out my phone and turned on the flash, I went to the door to find It locked, I tried the handle but it didn't open it was probably because of the power outage. "Damn it" I said and walked back to the bathroom, "Is it actually locked" Tom asked and went to the door "Try all you want" I said, "Wait are you on your heat" Tom asked I put my hand to my face "Yes" I said "This is bad" Tom said "Yeah, your an Alpha aren't you" I asked "Yeah" He said, I got into the bathroom and closed the door behind me and locked it, "What are you doing" Tom I heard Tom ask "Look, the only thing I know about you is that your Spider-Man" I said "I'm not a bad person" Tom said "Sorry can't trust you" I said, I looked around and put my phone on the sink the light pointing at the ceiling so it could light up more, I opened all the cabinets but there was nothing, "You know I didn't know celebrity's come here" I said "You know celebrity's are still people" Tom said "Yeah" I said, I sat on the floor, I could feel it, it was starting.

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