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Your POV
I woke up and hour before I had to leave to change, I put on some casual clothes and got breakfast ready and left it for my dad, I left him a sticky note:
Going out food in fridge- Y/N
I walked outside and breathed in the fresh air, Today was going to be a good day, I drove to where Tom said to go, when I got there, there was a bunch of cars and people, I called Tom "Where are you" I asked as he answered "I'm backstage, just go to the security and say your with me" He said and hung up, I drove around looking for a parking space but I could not find anything, I drove around a little more around and finally found one, when I got out of the car I walked to the security guards, "I'm with Tom Holland" I said "Yeah, says everybody" The security guy said "No, Really I am with Tom Holland" I said" Sure" he said, I pulled out my phone and called Tom, he didn't pick up, I looked around and spotted Haz "Harrison" I yelled be turned and looked at me and walked over "Y/N" Haz said "This man won't let me in" I said and looked at the Security "He's with us" Haz said, The security Man looked at me "So, sorry for the inconvenience" he said I nodded "It's okay, I Know you were only doing your job" I said and Me and Haz Walked away "Y/N, I just wanted to say Sorry about what I said the last time we talked" Haz said "It's okay, I know you don't mean it in a trash talking way" I said, we looked at the red carpet and I saw Tom in a handsome grey suit in a brown, black and grey Tie, he spotted me and smiled bigger then he was already smiling but looked back at the photographers "You know he really loves you" Haz said "He loves me" I asked "Yeah, when he speaks about you his eyes glimmer" Haz said "Really" I said, Haz nodded and I looked back at Tom, "I think I love him to" I said Haz looked at me but I just stared at Tom, After they were done with the premiere it was time to watch the movie, Tom walked up to me and Haz, "Y/N, You made it" Tom said and we hugged "Like I said, wouldn't miss it for the world" I said, Haz looked at both of us and gagged before waking away "What's up with him" Tom asked, I shrugged, we walked into the movie theater and Me and Tom sat next to each other, "I'm excited" I said "Really" Tom said "Of course, you worked hard on this" I said, he smiled and we looked at the screen as it started playing. After the movie we walked out, everybody was leaving, "So, that was a good movie" I said "Thank you" Tom said I nodded "Well, I have to go home" I said "Really, I could drive" Tom said but I didn't hear the rest because then a cramp went through my body and I kneeled down "Ouch" I said, Tom kneeled Beside me "Are you okay" he asked. I nodded and breathed in and stood up, "I have to go home" I said "I'll take you" Tom offered "No.. I'll be fine" I said as I tried to walk but every step hurt "No, I'm coming" Tom said as he helped me walk, "Where's your car" he asked I told him and we walked there, I handed him the keys "What about the after party" I asked as we got in the car "That's not important, your more important" he said I blushed and I started to sweat, Tom drove us to my house, when we walked through the front door I called for my dad but no response, I walked inside the kitchen and saw that he had left a sticky note:
Had to go out for the weekend will be back Monday take care - Dad
I handed the note to Tom and he read it, we walked to the living room and I sat down, Tom took off his tux, which only left him in his grey shirt and his tie, "You don't have to stay" I said Tom ignored me and sat down next to me "It's okay" Tom said.

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