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Your POV
I drove back home, when I got home I saw that Dad was outside, I parked and rolled down my window "What are you doing" I asked "Were going to look for Tom Holland" he said, I chuckled, "Why would we do that" I asked "Cause I need to make sure you'll  be alright when I'm gone" he said "Dad, don't talk like that" I said "I'm just stating the truth" he said "Fine, get in" I said he nodded and got in the passengers side "Where too" I asked "To your high school" Dad said, I gulped, when we got to the high school the group of people looking for Tom were gone, "There's nobody here" I said "Drive around the area" Dad said, I nodded and we drove around the Area but like I thought Tom was no where to be seen, "Okay, now what" I asked "Nothing, I'll have to find someone else" Dad said, I looked at him "Dad, I think I can choose for myself" I said "Sure... Let's go home" Dad said I nodded and I drove us home, I parked and he got out of the car, I felt bad but I couldn't just show him Tom, he would embarrass me and I didn't know what was going on with Tom but I hoped it was good, I got out of the car "Look who I found" I heard Dad say, I looked at him and saw his arm wrapped around Tom's neck, I walked over to them, I looked at Tom before looking at my Dad "Okay, now that we found him, what do we do" I asked "Invite him for tea of course" Dad said "I would love to go for tea" Tom said and smiled at me "Okay" I said and we walked into the house, "Okay, well I'll make the tea, you two talk" Dad said he winked at me and left, I looked at Tom, "What are you doing" I asked "I was just waking on the street"  Tom said, I rolled my eyes "No, Really" Tom said "Fine... because you're here, I guess I'll show you my room" I said, he nodded and I led him upstairs, we stopped in front of my room door and I turned to him "You can't make fun of it" I said, he nodded and we walked in, Tom looked around and sat on my bed and sniffed "It smells like you, Darling" Tom said, he chuckled at the end, I sat on my desk chair "Yeah, well this is where I sleep" I said and rolled in my seat, Tom got up and looked out the window "Why did your dad want to meet me" Tom asked "I don't know" I lied "Okay" Tom said "Teas Ready" I heard my Dad yell, Me and Tom walked downstairs, and sat down on the table "I didn't know how you liked it, so I made a regular tea bag" Dad said "No, this is fine" Tom said as he took a sip of it, Dad sat next to Tom, "So are you Mated" Dad asked "No" Tom said "My son isn't either" Dad said "Dad" I said, Dad looked at me and then back at Tom "Would you ever Mate earlier than most" Dad asked "Yeah" Tom said, "Have you ever considered, Pups, cause my son would make pretty good ones" Dad said, I was drinking my tea and I almost Spit it out "I mean, I would love Pups, but not right now" Tom said he looked at me and then back at his cup, I blushed "Dad, I think theses are way to personal Questions" I said "Your right, what do you look for in a Omega" Dad said "Dad" I said "Okay, Sorry, Sorry" Dad said I looked outside and saw it was dark "Oh, look it's late, you better go" I said "No, wait he can stay... if he wants too" Dad said and he looked at Tom, Tom Took a sip of his tea and put the cup down "I would love to stay" Tom said, "Okay, you can stay" Dad said and got up and left, I looked at Tom "You Can stay in my room" I said as I got up and picked up the cups and began to wash them "I'll go to the floor and you'll be in the bed" I said "What, No, you go on the bed and I'll go on the floor" Tom said I nodded and looked at him "Nope" I said as I put the cups in the cupboards, "Y/N, come on" Tom said "Come on nothing" I said as I began to run to the stairs "Y/N" Tom called after me and I could hear that he was chasing after me, I ran up the stairs and into my room, Tom at my heels, he tackled me onto my bed, we both laughed and he got on top of me, we stared into each other eyes and Tom leaned in, I put my finger to his lips, "Not yet" I said as I pushed him off onto the bed and I got on the floor, "Y/N, get on the bed" Tom said "No" I said "We could share it" Tom said, I thought about it, "Okay" I said he smiled and I smiled at him, I took off my shoes and shirt, Tom stared at me "Eyes closed" I said he nodded and closed his eyes while I put on another shirt, "Okay, you can open them" I said as I walked into my bathroom and began to wash my teeth, when I came back into the room Tom was in bed snuggled like a bug, I laid on the bed "Scoot over" I said and he scooted a little, I turned to my side and tried to sleep, I felt an arm grab my waist and a blanket being put on top of me, I felt Toms breath on my neck and his chest pressed to my back "Goodnight, Y/N" Tom whispered into my ear "Goodnight, Tom" I said and I smiled as I fell asleep.

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