What are you?

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No ones POV
Tom had felt fine last week, until he didn't, he knew that his rut was coming and he wasn't ready for it, he had just finished filming his film The lost City of Z, but didn't know where to go, his Now Ex Girlfriend Elle Lotherington his old omega, they were planing on doing it during his rut but that didn't work out. "Are you sure you don't want to stay home, Mate" Harrison his best friend asked "I'm sure, it's to dangerous" Tom said, Harrison nodded "Okay, I'll make the reservation" Harrison said they called him Haz for short "Okay, Thank you Mate" Tom said. Then the next week Tom arrived at the Unmarked Building, he checked the time on his phone it was 5:20, he walked up to the front desk, "Hello" He said The lady at the front desk looked at him "Name and Birthday" She said "Oh, Tom Holland, June 1, 1996" Tom said the lady typed in her computer, then a printer started behind her and she got a paper, signed it and handed it to Tom, "Here" She said "Thank you" Tom said and walked two floors up, he walked a hallway and found his room, room number 10. He walked into the room, he pulled out his phone to text Harrison that he made it, "Tom Holland" He heard someone say he got spooked and looked around, he saw a guy, "Who are you" Tom asked "Wait, what are you doing here" The guy asked "What, this is my room" Tom said "I have to get out of here" the guy said, Tom was about to say something but stopped when he heard thunder outside and the lights when out, Tom saw the guy walk to the door and turn on his flash on his phone "Damn it" the Guy said, The guy walked back to the bathroom, "Is it actually locked" Tom asked, Tom walked to the door and tried the door handle, he couldn't be trapped here he had to film a last few scenes for The lost city of Z. "Try all you want" The guy said, Tom smelled a sweet honey like scent, "Wait, are you on your heat" Tom asked "Yes" the guy said, then he remembered he was going to go into his rut, "This is bad" Tom said "Yeah, your an Alpha aren't you" the guy asked "Yeah" Tom said, Tom saw the guy enter the bathroom and close the door, "What are you doing" Tom asked "Look, the only thing I know about you is that your Spider-Man" Tom heard the guy say, Tom chuckled, "I'm not a bad Person" Tom said as he walked to a cupboard and looked inside he found a butt mold and pulled it out and placed it on the bed, "You know I didn't know celebrity's came here" He heard the guy say "You know celebrity's are still people right" Tom said "Yeah" the guy said, Tom sat on the bed, he could feel his rut coming and the sweet honey scent coming from the bathroom didn't help, "Uh, What's your name" Tom asked as he unbuckled his pants "My names Y/N" The guy said "Y/N, that's a nice name" Tom said as he removed his underwear, "Really, I used to hate it" Y/N said, Tom got on the bed and grabbed the lube that was also in the cupboard, "Thank you" Y/N said, Tom put the lube all over his cock and slowly put it into the but mold.

Your POV
I got up, I felt slick run down my leg, I got toilet paper and quickly wiped it off. There was nothing here that could help me, Except my finger, I looked around and grabbed my phone, I heard Grunts from the room, I couldn't believe that Tom Holland was in the room next to me during his Rut, I had never experienced my best with another Alpha I had been to in my studies to want a person, I put my phone down and covered my eyes with my hands, how can this be happening, I didn't know what to do, and then I started to get hot, I smelled a Manly scent in the air, "No" I said as I walked to the sink and splashed water in my face, I was not about to have sex with a man I just met, I looked at Myself in the mirror, plus I could get pregnant and just No, I sat down on the floor and put my back to the door, I heard a moan from the other side and I covered my ears. Then I felt a bump on the door and I think Tom also put his back on the door, "How old are you" I Heard Tom ask "18, you" I asked "19" he responded "Cool" I said, the rain outside and started to pour harder on the windows "What do you do" Tom asked "I'm going to be a teacher" I said "Well you already know what I am" Tom said "Yeah" I said, "But was there anything you wanted to do before acting" I asked "I wanted to be a dancer" Tom said "Why didn't you" I asked "Because Acting called to me more" Tom said, we stayed silent for a moment, "Have you ever had a mate before" Tom asked "No, I've never had time" I said "Oh" Tom said "Do you have any talents" I asked "I personally don't think so" Tom said "I think I can sing" I said "Really, sing for me" Tom said "No, I don't sing in public" I said "Why" Tom asked "Because I get shy" I said.

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