𝐄𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥🌞

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"Mae, wake up."

Maeve was nudged by an elbow. Her body, which was awkwardly positioned on the chair, jolted. Groaning, the auburn-haired teen peeked at the mis-doer through a squint. She eased as she saw Ellie, who stood in front of her with her hands on her hips and a mischief grin on her face. The room was cocooned with dim light from the scouting lights off in the distance, not giving much to see.

"Fuck off." She murmured and closed her eyes again, adjusting her body to the chair again.

"Tess is back, so we're leaving. Get your ass up."

That wasn't Ellie's voice, and Maeve felt a little stupid thinking it was, and it definitely wasn't with it being deeper and all. Her groggy mind wouldn't allow her to thin straight. They both looked toward TJ's figure as he pulled on his knapsack. Maeve glared at him and unwound herself from the chair, finally getting to her feet.

"Touchy," she pursed her lips, leering at him. "Asshole."

Giving attitude to someone who just woke up guaranteed fifty percent attitude back, with the rest just her being grumpy. Well, Mister TJ, two could play at that game. She yawned, stretching her arms over her head before grabbing her bag from the floor.

After she adjusted her bag to her body, Maeve saw Tess and Joel conversing near the corner of the room, occasionally glancing out at the probe lights.

"How's Marlene?" she asked, causing the adults to look at her.

"She'll live," Tess answered with a nod. "Let's get this over with, yeah?"

"Uh, sure?" Maeve's brows knitted together at Tess's eagerness, but then realized she wasn't speaking to her.

Tess scurried into the next room, Joel on her tail. Ellie followed after, though Maeve was a little more hesitant about going.

"After you." TJ said, sounding impatient. He gestured for her to go through the door.

Maeve looked at him, she wanted to say something, but didn't. She knew better than to argue so entered the tiny room as Tess scooted a shelf away from a hole in the wall. She watched the older woman shimmy through, and then Ellie. Joel looked at Maeve expectantly, she grimaced but she slipped through the wall with ease. Once through, she hurried to Ellie's side on the makeshift elevator as TJ and Joel filed into the room too and started up the generator.

"Who's waiting for us at the drop-off?" TJ asked.

Maeve stood behind him as they're lowered, she glared at his stupid wolf tail. Oh, how she hated him being so tall. She twiddled with her thumbs and gnaws on her bottom lip anxiously.

"She said there's some Fireflies that have traveled all the way from another city. They must be important," Tess said, looking at the sisters. "What's the deal with you two? You some bigwig's daughters or something?"

Maeve made a face, sharing a knowing look with Ellie, "...or something."

"Still, you two must be pretty important," TJ said, his tone wasn't as harsh as before. "Especially if you have to be smuggled out of a quarantine zone."

"So, how long is this all gonna take?" Ellie asked Tess.

"If everything goes as planned, we should get you to them in a few hours," Tess explained and the elevator reached the tunnel. "Ellie, Maeve, once get out there, I need you to follow our lead and stay close."

The sisters nodded, having no choice but to go along with Tess, and considering that have never outside the zone before...

"Sure, no problemo!" Maeve cracked a smile and saluted the older woman as they headed for a red lit hole in the wall.

𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐎 (𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐔𝐒) *editing*Where stories live. Discover now