𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥'𝐬 𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬❄️

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"You're okay!"

Maeve almost cried relief tears as she saw Ellie after David killed another clicker. Her sister seemed but a bit shaken, other than that, she appeared fine and unscathed. She had replaced her bow with the rifle she took from David while hurriedly approaching them. Her eyes traveled over her sister's form, looking for any seeping wounds despite her not having any blood on her.

"Barely," Ellie checked the rifle's chamber. "There's a lot of them."

"No shit, kid," Adam commented. "Infected like to travel."

"I fucking know that!"

"Enough!" David boomed, silencing Ellie and Adam from further arguing. "We don't have time to be against each other."

Maeve had to agree with the man. There was no telling how many more of the infected there were. Time was against them, and this was a maze of mazes. Every which way, there was no exit for them to flee. They entered a hall that was raised over the ground, it led into another room, a larger one. There was a mechanism in the center of the room, it looked like an old elevator of sorts. It was broken, the platform being stuck on this floor, seemingly stable for anyone to just walk on and then give away.

"It's a dead end," the sisters deflated. "How on earth did they use this building?"

"What do we do?"

David reloaded his gun. "We hold our ground."

"Is there any other choice?" Maeve really wanted a second option. She was on her last arrow, and her knife could only do some much damage against an army of infected.

"We die." Adam was the one to speak. His eyes sharply scanned the surrounding area.

"Looks like these guys fought these things and lost." Ellie made a comment, which brought Maeve to look at a couple of bodies with blood frozen on the floor and the clothes they wore.

"Dear Lord," David seemed to know the men. "We've been looking for these boys." So, he did know them. "Doesn't matter now. Grab their gear."

"Hey, you can make a Molotov with this," Ellie had climbed up the steps onto a higher stage, holding an empty bottle and some alcohol. "And maybe more bombs."

"Bombs and Molotov's, huh?" Adam eyed her, reloading his gun as the screams of the infected got closer. "Just who are you?"

Maeve ignored the boy, maneuvering around the railings and up the steps to Ellie. She began to make quick work of the Molotov when Runners burst through the way the group had come from, with quite a few friends behind it. Fear blossomed in her chest.

"Get ready!" David yelled, already shooting at the infected as they lunged for them.

Before they all knew it, there were nearly a dozen infected. Too many to actually keep up with. Gunshots and wrangled screams echoed through the winter atmosphere. Empty bullet casings fell to the floor and blood accumulated from the dead or wounded infected.

"Get off me!" Ellie was suddenly overwhelmed by infected while trying to reload the rifle in her hands.

Maeve was quick to aid her little sister, hurrying to stab one of the runners from behind, sinking her knife into its throat, and tossing its body aside. She ignored how the blood made her hands cold and lunged for the other infected attacking Ellie.

"Die, you gross fucker!" Killing infected seemed to be getting easier for her, she realized. She knew the right places to jab at to put them down fast. She felt lucky enough the cold numbed her nose, blinding her senses that detect smell. All these infected seemed to have been rotting away in this winter abyss for some time.

𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐎 (𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐔𝐒) *editing*Where stories live. Discover now