𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗞𝗲𝗲𝗽𝗲𝗿'𝘀 𝗞𝗲𝗲𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀❄️

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*another short chapter, sorry!*

"Get the fuck back here!"

Maeve dodged the bullets shot at her; her legs carried her as fast as they could carry her. She ran aimlessly while those guys chased after her. They did not appreciate her flee tactics whatsoever.

All she knew, they wanted her dead. They just didn't give up, even after she disappeared from their sight. She made a very sharp right turn, entering a very dark cafeteria or super shop, or whatever the hell it was. The panic had set in way before she ran into the hellbent fuckers. She had no more arrows, so the bow in her hand was useless now.

The ominous sound of clicking made her heart drop into her stomach.

She did not just run herself into a clicker den, she feared. There was also the wheezing and grunting of runners.

Holy fuck...what the fuck did I just get myself into?! Though she didn't have time to ponder about it, her assailants were getting closer every second. She bit her lip, and against her better judgment, she scurried as silently as she could through the large store-like room which turned out to be an old cafe or small restaurant, maybe even a cheap bar with terrible carpeting.

She heard them in the corridor, and her breath caught in her throat as she hid behind a wide counter.

"Shit, infected!" One of them cursed under their breath.

She was surprised she could hear them from the distance away from them, but then again, it was so quiet anyway. The infected in the back rooms were stirred by their voices, but just barely. If she could make a loud noise far from her own being, then she could get those fuckers off her ass. Who were they, anyway? Why did they want her dead? She couldn't recall a moment where she did anyone wrong — wait, were they the same guys from the college?

A twinge of worry swam through her, laced with panic and fear.

If they're a part of the group that attacked them at the university, then did that mean there were more? Like, Jackson? Was there a whole group of people yearning for vengeance on their guys?

Her jaw clenched up. If so, she was about to have a very difficult time getting them off her ass.


A whispered sound came from above her, er...behind her? Above and behind her, curiously enough. She twisted around awkwardly, almost afraid of what she was about to see.

Through the darkness, she spotted a pale face poking out from overhead. At first, her soul took a leap for the heavens, but then she realized it was Ellie. A mixture of relief and confusion filled her. How was she up there, not to mention, there of all places to be? From what she could see, Ellie had blood on her face. What is hers?

She internally scolded herself, of course, it wasn't hers! Ellie was too smart and nimble to be hurt by these douchebags...whoever they were...anyway. Ellie put a bloody finger over her mouth, signaling her to be quiet as she took out a bottle.

Maeve squinted, unable to comprehend what her sister was doing. It clicked a moment later when she wound her arm back a bit, aiming far from them, and then threw the bottle. The glass shattered; the noise created devastating chaos. The infected awoke, and the men that chased her tried to fend them off. Bullets and shrieks filled the air. For once in her life, she wished she didn't have to hear gunfire or the screams of the infected.

The opposing parties killed each other in a matter of minutes; the battle being what seemed like an eternity. An equal number of screams deafened her, and then nothing. Silence engulfed them once more. Bodies of infected and bodies of non-fungal beings were strewn out in the front of the shop.

"Nice throw," she warily stood; Ellie dropped down next to her. "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine," she answered. "And you?"

Maeve exhaled, thick puffy vapors leaving her lips. Exhausted, she wanted to express herself, but she kept it in. She was unimportant, she needed to focus on the guys. Besides, Ellie probably felt the same way. She didn't want to burden her sister any longer than she already had.

"Did you find any med kits or supplies?"

Ellie nodded, some color returning to her blood-splattered face. "I found this helicopter with a first aid kit. It still has gauze and sutures and all. We can stitch Joel and TJ up."

"Did you run into any more of those fanatic assholes?"

"A few," Ellie replied, "So fucking trigger happy."

"Seems that way."

Whoever those men were, they did not want peace. It was like they had a "kill on sight" thing going on. She wondered how of them were there. She hoped there weren't many, and those she encountered were the last of them. It was in her best interest to not kill anyone that wasn't non-fungal, not that she enjoyed killing infected. In fact, she despised the killing. Inside, she understood they were once human and intellectually functional. Having that knowledge inside, it screwed with her psyche. It was like she was killing the people themselves, even though they were already gone when they were bitten and taken over by the virus.

"...Maeve?" Ellie's voice brought her into their frost-filled reality.

"Yeah?" She met her sister's eyes.

"Will we have enough to patch them up?"

"Let me see."

Ellie knelt down and slipped her bag off; she was quick to unzip the bag and get out the first aid kit. It was just a small white box with "first aid" in bold crimson letters on the front.

Maeve took it, opened it, and searched the supplies inside. Gauze. Sutures. A suture needle. A half roll of trauma dressings. Two or three large bandages. She nodded, content with the supplies, though the one needle would be troublesome. She could probably sterilize with it some heat and alcohol.

"Yeah, this is good," she closed the kit. "We should get back now and get the guys sewed up."

The first aid kit was placed back into the safety of Ellie's bag. "Did you get any blankets, or something to cover them?"

"I found a couple of shirts that might fit them," Maeve and Ellie hurried through the empty shop. "Blankets are a no-go, then again, I wasn't able to look through the stores because of those violent ass bitches."

"We can look on our back. It'd be bad if either of them froze to death before we patched them up."

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐎 (𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐔𝐒) *editing*Where stories live. Discover now