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"It's peaceful here, don't you think?"

Maeve inhaled the fresh breeze and relaxed her body as she sat on the ledge of the small cliff overlooking Jackson. She found it a miracle she came across this place without getting lost or found by Infected. Lord knew she'd have a tough time getting back to town.

The sun delayed behind some passing clouds, casting a brief shadow over the earth below. Maeve closed her eyes as another breeze washed over her. She couldn't get enough — the trees dancing in the wind, the wildlife, the nonexistent sounds of Infected or constant gunfire. The skies eased from a forget-me-not blue to brilliant pinks and oranges as the sun began to low on the horizon. The wind flushed around her once more, bringing with it the smell of bitter pine and linen streams. It was better than the stench of Boston, which was nothing more than a rotting wasteland.

This countryside — she felt at peace.

Jackson exceeded her expectations; it was everything she hoped for. Its community was like...family, in some ways. They had a home here, no questions asked. Even Ellie had settled quickly and shared a homey-upped double-car garage with Maeve. They were roommates who annoyed the ever-living hell out of one another, but they couldn't help but love each other.

Maeve wasn't one to be cliche, but she felt happy here.

Almost as happy as she felt when she was with...clench.

For the longest time, she had this hole where her heart should've been. Ellie acted like her anchor, but she still seemed lost without him. Everything had happened so quickly; she never had the chance to properly grieve.

The past few months were rough, especially with that Firefly business. She couldn't say she felt bad, which in a way, she kind of did. Marlene had her sedated to the point she was completely paralyzed. Maeve knew the woman was already on edge from having ordered Ellie into surgery, and then she had to go and flap her gums about Jordan. To his own mother — she'd been so broken by his death, her taunt only added fuel to the flames, and got her pricked with drugs.

Everything after had been nothing but a blur. The drugs were in her system for the most part of the trip, but Joel had gotten Ellie out of there before the surgeon could dissect the Cordyceps out of her head; TJ went out of his way to save her from Marlene's wrath.

The Fireflies were a little less than forthcoming about their intentions. Doing the surgery would've killed her sister. Ellie wasn't aware it would've taken her life, and the militia didn't give her the chance to decide because they were eager to put her under and slice her brain apart with a scalpel. They separated them all; her, Joel, and TJ, that is. She figured they were scared of them stopping the operation before they could complete it.

They were right.

Maeve didn't want to know what Marlene's intentions with her were, but she figured she was going to be killed, or used as another test subject. She didn't think she'd ever forget the horror in her eyes the second she let Jordan's death slip.

"You would've liked it here," Maeve murmured, her eyes becoming hot. "Jordan."

She pretended he was talking back to her. He'd say something like, "It is what it is." Or something like that. He was always the one who knew what to say, er, most of the time. He had a way with words and probably was better at speaking than Maeve could ever care to be.

"Fuck..." she leaned forward, palms flying to her face as the emotions flurried through her.

There was no way she could deny it now. Not that she denied it, just suppressed it.

𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐎 (𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐔𝐒) *editing*Where stories live. Discover now