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"It's open, c'mon!"

They hurried to file inside the abandoned bar. The guys slammed the door shut just as Clicker tried to enter after them. Maeve could hear it shrieking from the other side and couldn't help but flinch away. She moved a safer distance away. She pressed a hand over her hammering heart, feeling it through her skin and bones.

Whew... She hunched over, palms on her knees while she calmed her breathing. She could hear everyone else try to collect themselves too.

"Man...that was close," Ellie breathed out. "Uh...thanks for the heroics and all. Um, I'm Ellie."

Maeve glanced at her sister, to see her offer the masked man her hand. He approached her and took his mask off to reveal a very grunge-looking man with greasy hair dirty face. He suddenly grabbed her and cuffed her wrist.

"Hey, what are you — Joel?"


"What are you doing?!" He cuffed her to a pipe protruding the wall.


"Let my sister go, you crazy son of a bitch!" Maeve lunged at the man, but he pulled a gun on her. The barrel was just inches away from her forehead. That stopped her in tracks, especially with the look he gave her.

"Turn around and get on your knees!" He ordered and then turned his gun on Joel and TJ. He shoves Maeve over to them.

"Just calm down for a second—" TJ tried to reason with the estranged man and gun was aimed at him.

"Turn around and get on your knees!" Bill said louder, kneeing Joel's leg from behind, forcing him to kneel. Maeve and TJ hurried to their knees so they wouldn't be attacked.


"Don't test me!" Bill began patting Joel's arms and torso.

"Just...take it easy!" Joel hissed at him.

"You got any bites?" Bill patted some more.

"No." Joel irately replied.

"Anything sprouting?"

"No, goddammit, I'm clean!" Joel growled.

"Well, I see so much a twitch—"

Ellie broke free of the pipe she was cuffed to and used the pipe to hit Bill. She got his right arm pretty good, Maeve heard it.

"Ow!" Bill roared.

With the man briefly out of commission, Maeve hurried back to Ellie, grabbing the pipe and shielding her from Bill.

"Stop!" Joel tried to assess the situation, or at least prevent it from escalating any further.

"Son of a bitch!" Bill crowed, still holding his arm.

"You done?" Joel exasperated.

"Am I done...?" Bill began with breathless agitation. "You come into my house, you set off all my traps, you damn near break my shootin' arm. Who the fuck are these punks and what are they doing here?"

"We are none of your goddamn business, and we're here because you owe Joel some favors. And you can start by taking these off!" Ellie went around Maeve and jangled her cuffed wrist in the air.

"I owe Joel some favors," Bill guffawed. "Is this some kind of joke?"

"I'll cut to the chase," Joel faced the man. "I need a car."

Bill barked laugh. "Well, it is a joke. Joel needs a car. Well, if I had one that works, which I sure as hell don't, what makes you think I'd just give it to you? Huh? Yeah, sure, Joel, go ahead, take my car. Take all my food too while you're at it."

𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐎 (𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐔𝐒) *editing*Where stories live. Discover now