...𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤❄️

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TW! Attempted rape, necrophilia, mature themes! Fear, death

She was lightheaded. Drained of her energy and fight, her hands numb, her toes too; stiff from hanging for so long. Her body was cold as the intense blizzard outside whistled chaotically. Her bleeding side dripped, staining her jeans and parts of her shirt. She could hear little drip drops as her blood fell to the floor below her. Every ripple of goosebumps sent her into tears. Like a thousand knives penetrating her, she cried silently. The shallow cuts around her limbs and stomach hurt like a bitch, possibly more than just hurt. Her body was fighting off the terrible excruciation.

Though her wound leaked still, the surrounding blood dried, crusting where it had streaked down her skin, up to the opening of the cut. Any slight movement trigged more blood to fall. To be honest, the pain seemed to subside, as if it were numbing. She wasn't sure if it were from the cold or the blood loss. Maybe it was both. She was too tired to try and figure it out. All the strength she thought she had... was gone. She was too weak to fight against Adam. He didn't stop at disfiguring her skin. He had many tools to make her scream in agony, though he mostly kept to his knife.

He embellished her pain. The screams that tore her throat raw as he sliced her apart, all seemed to get him off. There was no number of words to describe how disgusting the male was. If anything had been in her stomach at all, she would've released it. Especially when he began to...rape the infected woman before her.

The hour she hung there, losing more blood, she wished for death to come. It was not quick enough. No...fate was yet still so cruel to her.

Ragged breathy grunts brought back into her even crueler and grueling reality. The metallic sounds of the cage and the gurgling sounds of the infected churned her stomach more than it had already. The infected in the cage squirmed as it was being taken advantage of. Bile rose into her throat.

It was far beyond sickening.

For the first time, she felt horrible for an infected. She was abhorred by the fact someone would go out of their way to capture and then rape an infected. The fungal being couldn't defend itself locked in that tiny cage. It was like a cow, tied down for mounting. The only thing is do was violently squirm as its cries escaped its torn and broken face.

Adam wasn't shy about being loud, shamelessly moaning as he roughly pounded the infected behind. As if his actions would "arouse" her somehow.

She knew she'd be next.

And then, with a shit ton of praying and wishing for death.

"Ah," Adam's voice strews out, slamming his hip against the infected's backside, seemingly having finished his assault on it. "Fuck."

More tears left her eyes, keeping them squeezed shut Just hearing hi rape that infected churned her stomach beyond illness. She didn't watch. She didn't want to watch. She couldn't think of any sane person who would want to watch. A grimace took hold of her body, hearing him pull himself out of the infected. She did her best to ignore the weird squelches emitting the air.

His actions were defiling and far beyond disgusting.

"I hope you watched," she could barf right now. "I'll be doing the same to you soon enough."

Barf. She refused to look and stuffed her face into her shoulder. She hated he said that and feared even more for what was to come. Her fate seemed sealed tight by now. She was going to be raped and murdered. And he raped that infected, so he was probably going to rape her dead body too.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you," he got up from the floor and approached her, grabbing her face. His fingers dug into her skin as he jerked her head in his direction. "I said LOOK AT ME!"

𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐎 (𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐔𝐒) *editing*Where stories live. Discover now