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Present day

B slid the pale beige breakfast tray along the counter as she waited for the cafeteria staff to fill her plate with what they called a balanced breakfast. The food was worse than the schoolie she used to complain about in high school. Her books stayed stacked so she knew she wouldn't be eating none of that shit. She would be hitting commissary today. All around the cafeteria female inmates sat together at their tables clearing their plates with no complaints. As nasty as the food was some inmates just got used to it.

Definitely not eating this shit. She thought to herself, scrunching her face at the pale yellow apple sauce they handed off to her in the carton. She was a real picky eater too so being locked up tested her strength in every way. To make matters worse, majority of the correctional officers had it out for her being who her brother was. They hated he got away with shit so easily when he was locked up in various upstate prisons, so she was basically paying the price. She didn't trust niggas not to play in her food so she just never ate it. If it wasn't packaged up she wasn't eating it.

Her inner monologue was cut short seeing a short stocky female inmate tried to cut in front of her with aggression, slightly poking her with her sharp ass elbow. She immediately recognized Mina, the same girl who was on her dick from day one.

"Bitch you taking up mad space." Mina mugged, jabbing B hard with her elbow again as she tried to squeeze her way into the already tight line.

B was never on some pussy shit with bitches, always handling her own. However, she was getting word that her release date was coming up soon so she was trying her hardest not to lash out. A couple more months give or take and it would all be worth it. She learned so much self control these past six years to last her a lifetime. But right now all that was about to go out the window.

Without a second thought, B's tray went flying from her hands, the questionable breakfast foods landing on Mina with a splash as B smacked her up with the tray. Her hands went flying next, throwing punches so swiftly as Mina threw a few of her own but connecting none. B's adrenaline was pumping and she was seeing nothing but a red target on Mina's face.

The two were tussling at this point, really getting it in right there in the cafeteria at eight in the morning. It was on some real ghetto high school shit. Her knees were planted on the cafeteria floor as she sat on top of Mina throwing punch after punch getting all her anger out. Hair pulling was never B's forte, but gripping her fingers threw Mina's scalp gave her leverage to repeatedly slam her head against the grimy cafeteria floors. She wanted to leave the bitch leaking.

The inmates made shit hot, crowding around them encouraging B to fuck Mina up. They all witnessed what went down and thought Mina was on weirdo timing as always.

The CO's struggled to reach the two girls with the crowd that formed around them. Pulling the two away from each other, they isolated them to their cells.

"Bitches got me fucked up bad in here." B mumbled to herself, pacing her cell as she tried to ignore the stinging sensation from her knuckles. She really stayed to herself nowadays, minding her business and going about shit day by day. Yet bitches still couldn't seem to stop pushing her buttons.

"Get cleaned up, you got a hearing wit the parole board." She heard one of the CO's say, unlocking the doors to her cell.

She kissed her teeth. Niggas was setting her up to fail booking her shit for today. She wasn't in the right state of mind to speak to no white people on wether or not she felt she was ready to rejoin society. She been fuckin ready.

Changing into the ill fitting clothing the prison provided for her hearing, she made herself look as presentable as possible with all the beauty essentials she purchased from commissary last month.

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