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"How long until we make it to Kansas? I feel like the GPS is throwing us way off schedule." Razor huffed from the back seat, looking out the window watching the trees go by. That's all she been seeing for the past couple hours since they got on the road. She was picked up from her apartment earlier that morning, packed all her essentials into the government administered vehicle and been on the road since.

The driver ignored her as he slowed into a deserted neighborhood off the highway, cutting the engine off. Sensing he was about to get her out the car, she quickly sprung into action.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." She warned, pressing the barrel of her gun into his temple with a smirk. She knew something was off from the moment she left the house earlier and now her suspicions were proving to be true.

"And I wouldn't do that if I were you. Put the fuckin gun down." The cold steel barrel pressed against her warm skin from behind sent goosebumps up her spine, putting her on high alert. Her fight or flight senses were kicking in. She didn't realize the real killer was in the trunk the whole time, going along for the ride knowing exactly how her story was about to end.

"Get your gun off me or I start shooting in this bitch." She urged, still unable to detect who was behind her.

"Imma keep it real wit you, I don't give a fuck if the driver live or die, he work for me he know what this shit come wit." Lucky chuckled. "So like I said, put the gun down and step out the car, this my last time telling you."

Deciding to follow instructions, she hopped out the van immediately feeling the cold morning air prick against her cheeks.

"Hands behind your back." He instructed, but Razor wasn't going down without a fight. She expertly aimed the barrel of her gun directly at him in hopes of buying herself some time to figure out her next move.

"Yo you're mad funny." Lucky chuckled, shaking his head as Dre pulled up behind her quickly disarming her.

Tying her up, they sat her against the van before calling up Amar'e on FaceTime.

"Not gonna lie Razor, thought this shit would be a little more challenging than that." Amar'e chuckled once the call connected. "You lost your touch...that's what imma have them write on your headstone."

"Fuck you Saint! I hope you fuckin die in there!" She spat.

"Here lies Isabella Blanco Morales, a disgrace to contract killers everywhere." He continued, ignoring her. 

"Talking about I lost my fuckin touch when you sitting in a cell like a fuckin pussy." She scoffed, shaking her head.

"I know Julian looking up right now angry as shit I got your ass too but at least now you guys can be down there running hell together." He laughed, adding more fuel to the fire. She finally started to accept her fate, realizing that tonight was her last day on earth.

She never thought her life would amount to what it did, getting caught up after years of running game and finessing her way out of dark times but she was bold enough to admit that she had no regrets. She chose to live life fast and accepted everything that came with that.

"I'm disappointed I won't be able to kill you myself but my little cousins gonna take good care of you, I promise." And with that he ended the call, leaving Razor's fate in the hands of the two men.

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