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"One of my men stopped one of your little d boys with a couple kilos in the car going 45 in a 30 mile per hour zone. You're lucky I was surveilling the area and was able to interfere when I did." Captain Johnson said, inviting Saint to take a seat across from him in his office. Along with him was lieutenant Smith and officer Wilson. Together the three made up a small percentage of the law enforcement who were on Saint's payroll.

"Appreciate your hard work always captain." Saint said, knowing that shit was gonna cost him to get the product back. APD was just as grimy and greedy as the niggas on the streets.

"With that being said we'll sell them back to you for sixty thousand and then an extra forty to keep the press from getting a hold of that picture." The captain said.

"What picture?" Saint mugged. It was always some shit.

Pulling his phone out Lieutenant Smith showed him a picture of Dre who used to work for Saint, slumped over by a dumpster his body riddled with bullet holes. His chest was branded with the words "I stole from Saint"

That was a couple months ago now so he knew they were grasping at straws tryna dry him out. Unluckily for them he didn't respond well to blackmail. He didn't know how APD got a hold of that picture though, that was some shit he done in private. He wasn't even the one who took the picture to begin with.

"And I'll send your wife the picture of you in Magic City fuckin on strippers." Saint said as the room got quiet. "I'll send you that sixty thousand as a bonus for all your hard work this year along wit my kilos and you delete that picture for free."

The captain motioned for officer Wilson to go get the product, knowing he went too far. "Watch yourself though Brown. You're still talking to an officer."

"Yeah I know, an officer I pay for. Now do your job and never threaten me again." He said. "And hurry up wit those kilos, I got another meeting."


"Doesn't he look just like Loco? Shit is crazy." B said to Smoke as he swiped through the pictures she had on her phone.

It's been a minute since B and Smoke saw each other. The last time they did B was on the opposite end of the table in a prison uniform getting caught up on what was happening on the outside. It was middle of February now meaning Smoke would be home real soon.

"Word he look just like cuzzo." Smoke smiled.

"I told him all about you and he said he can't wait to meet you." B continued as Smoke's smile never left his face.

"That's love, can't wait to meet my lil nephew." Smoke said. "How long you out here for?"

"A couple more days. Renzo's birthday is tomorrow so I knew I had to fly out." She said as he nodded.

Last month B's case got reviewed and since there was no need for high-risk supervision, she was granted permission to travel back and forth to New York without the need to obtain approval meaning she got to see her family more often. She was in better spirits too knowing she could go home whenever she wanted.

"Cool. I want you to link Cherie soon and bring lil man wit you. She wanna meet him but you know she introverted and shit so she don't wanna reach out." Smoke said as B chuckled.

"Say that, I'll tell her to pull up to Renzo's party too."

Slowly but surely B felt like her life was finally going back to normal.


"Imma keep it a buck, that contract on your head just went up and the family calling a summons to have you answer to killing Julian, Christopher and hiring a hit on Don Miguel." Nikai and Saint met up in a neutral location in East Atlanta, one of the buildings Saint owned which he would soon be turning into an affordable housing unit.

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