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The moon spilled through the high rise windows casting an illuminated stage for their performance, their bodies creating the applause. Their bodies were colliding, consuming each other with an insatiable hunger after months of being apart.

"You're so beautiful, I love you." Amar'e said in a husky tone as he gave B slow, deep strokes that resonated deep inside her. His words were hypnotic sending goosebumps up her spine as she struggled to respond to him.

"You love me?" He asked, feeling her body sink against his muscular frame as her hips moved in waves against him.

"I love you." She managed to get out. B had so many orgasms already she lost count after the third one, basking in the shared moment between them. His bottom lip was wedged between his teeth as he gripped on her waist, watching as he appeared and disappeared inside of her walls.

His face buried deep in her neck, taking in her sweet vanilla scent mixed with her natural essence putting his mind at ease. Pulling out of her, he placed her on her back, his eyes drugged with lust as they moved from her eyes to her lips, their bodies drawing close before engaging in a sensual kiss.

He was enclosed in her velvet walls again, snatching her soul with each stroke. She watched his jaw clench as her walls constricted around him with a tight grip, feeling himself twitch inside her.

"Go ahead baby, let it out." He coached, wanting to let her get hers first as always.

"There you go." He smirked, tightly hugging her frame as she rained down on him. He followed soon after, filling her up as she slowly rode out her orgasm.

Their breathing moved in sync as slowly winded down from their climax. He slowly pulled out of her as he planted soft kisses on her face, laughing at how wild her hair sprawled out on her silk pillow case.

She closed her eyes for a few once he left to use the bathroom, opening them again once he rejoined her on the bed.

"You decided if you're gonna let me throw you that welcome home party yet?" She asked as he wrapped his arms around her, nestling his face against her neck.

"I been gone for three months B." He chuckled.

"So what?" She frowned.

"I don't know...don't feel like being festive and shit." He mumbled.

"Why not?"

"Gotta lotta shit on my mind." He simply stated. "And the guys can't even pull up."

Amar'e, Juice and Angelo legally couldn't be around each other while on probation due to having an open case. They had the best lawyers in the game with Kobe and Shaq numbers when it came to winning cases, but it was a work in progress nonetheless. Shit was taking a toll on their business too, finding different ways to communicate discreetly at various trap houses around the city to resolve the issues that been brewing since they've been locked up.

Despite all the other shit, he was grateful B remained the one constant in his life.

They spent majority of the wee hours up talking, catching up on the time they spent apart. Before they knew it the sun was rising high above the city.

"I love you so much, you know that?" He said, delicately massaging his fingers through her scalp.

"And I love you Amar'e." B smiled, the sincerity of his words warming her up inside.

"Can't wait to make you my wife."

B felt her heartbeat quicken in her chest hearing him say that, catching her off guard. She knew that's what the ideal end goal would be in their relationship, but she never thought he would be mentioning it so soon.

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