Oh Baby..

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The time it took to get Mikasa to the hospital wasn't the biggest issue of them all. No, what was big was how much Jean paced back and forth. What could be wrong? Where did he go wrong? His only job was to protect her and.. Hell, he couldn't even do that.

"I'm so stupid... I should've known! Why didn't I see it..."

Jean slammed his hand on the wall hard. He loved Mikasa with all of his might. So even something like this would get to him. Of course Eren was feeling the same way. Only he didn't flip out like Jean. Instead, he sat there quietly trying to pull his thoughts together. But it was hard to do since Jean was moaning and groaning about how he was such an idiot and what not. But soon, Eren had enough and sighed hard, looking up at Jean.

"Hey... Hey! Jean! Calm down.. She's going to be okay. You just have to calm down. Stressing over it won't help. Just relax and sit down."

Eren tried his best to get along with Jean, but it was harder than it seemed. It looked like everything he said to him would just go in one ear and out the other. Jean turned around to look at Eren's "hideous" face and grunted. All he did next was flick him off and continued on pacing. This made the other narrow his eyes and get up, pulling him by the shoulder. It was one thing to say it while they were at home, but acting like a child in public? Totally something Jean would do. But Eren wasn't putting up with it.

"Hey! You big sissy bitch! Chill out! You think you're the only one worried about her!? Well you're not! So sit the fuck down and relax!"

Eren growled and sat him down in the chair hard. If Jean would stop acting like a 2 years old, things wouldn't go the way they were. But like the old saying goes; you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Armin, on the other half, just sat down thinking about everything. Something wasn't adding up and he could sense it. She slept all the time, she threw up, never got out of bed... That could only mean one thing. Suddenly, the doctor came out with a light smile on his face. Being as smart as Armin was, he already knew what was wrong so he just sat back and bit his lip.

"Anyone here for a.. Mikasa Ackerman..?"

The doctor looked around and smiled when he saw the worried Jean come running up to him. Eren ran behind him as normal, but Armin. Armin just sat there. His gaze was fixed on the floor while his mind started to think of all the possibilities that his thought was correct. It had to be it.. There was no other explanation.

"Doctor, how is she? I-I'm Jean, her fiancé. Please I just need to know if she's... If she's.."

Jean started to grip his shirt sleeve tightly. The bad thoughts just wouldn't stop. Sure he knew she was okay but.. What if she wasn't? What if there was something seriously wrong? No.. There couldn't be! Could it? Eren noticed how tight the other's hold was and sighed. Hell. He lightly set his hand on the back of the enemy and rubbed it in small circles. With all the sadness floating around, the doctor had no other option but to chuckle. Ah yes, such a worried little fiancé indeed so he thought.

"Well sir, I wouldn't be so quick to freak out. She's perfectly fine. But I think I'll let her tell you what's wrong herself. If you'd follow me please, I'll show you were she is."

He motioned for the two, or three, to follow him as he turned around. Of course Jean followed close behind, suddenly curious about all of this. He was still crying, but the tears had slowed down for the time being. Mikasa couldn't see him crying like a little girl. After a few moments of walking, the doctor knocked on her door three times before letting Eren and Jean in. There sat Mikasa on the bed, hugging her knees and looking down at the bed. She wasn't upset, just in deep thought about everything. But suddenly, she felt eyes watching her. It made her feel weird and soon it was enough for her to turn her head.

"Hey guys.."

She smiled a little but then quickly frowned when she saw Jean's tear stained face. Poor Jean...he must've been really worried.

"Jean.. Come here. I'm fine I promise."

"If you're okay then.. Why are you in here? Babe what the hell happened? You scared the hell out of me!"

Mikasa bit her lip lightly and sighed softly. Okay.. Here it goes. The moment Jean and everyone else was so concerned about. She took a deep breath before opening her mouth then closing it. She did this for a few moments more, trying to put it in a way that wouldn't startle him.

"I... I just.. Had gas is all.."

Eren rolled his eyes and crosses his arms. Jean raised an eyebrow and gave her a look. Wasn't funny after all huh.. At least she thought so.

"Mikasa cut the crap. What is the matter with you? You're in the hospital for crying out loud. What, you pregnant or something?"

Eren tapped his foot impatiently as his sister just sat there, her mouth open to protest but then closing it slowly. Shit. This caused Eren to tilt his head softly. She wasn't denying it.. Wait. WAIT.

"Mikasa... You're not pregnant are you...?"


"Mikasa Ackerman you're pregnant!!!!!"

The brunette slapped a hand over his mouth and went wide eyed as his legs started to bend up and down. She's pregnant...! He was going to be an uncle! Jean, on the other hand, sat perfectly still. His face was twisted in a stupid grin mixed with horror and joy. Such a weird combination to show on a face right? But he didn't care, he was going to be a dad. What the hell did he just get himself into..

"Y... You're..."

"Yeah.. I am.. Surprise.."

Mikasa chuckled nervously and rubbed Jean's cheek lightly. What a way to find that out..

Now a few minutes had passed and Jean was still trying to process this. She was pregnant. She was having their baby. What the hell!? Mikasa sat in front of him slightly upset. She wanted him to say something.. Anything. Be happy or hug her or even shout it from the roof top. But no. He didn't do it. Wouldn't you be upset too? The new mom sighed hard and rolled her eyes, sitting back on the bed.

"You know you could be happy for me. Instead of just sitting there like a bump on a log."

Her words came out rather coldly than intended, but it was true. She was upset. And with every moment he didn't congratulate her, her attitude got worse. All she wanted was for him to happy. But that looked impossible. Jean sighed softly and looked over at her, biting his lip hard. He was happy of course! But he needed to be honest with her. He couldn't lie to her. Especially not now.

"Babe.. Ill talk to you when we get home.. But right now, let's get you out of here.."

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