My Duty Is What!?

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"Armin? Armin... Arrrrminnnn .." Eren called out.

Armin has been sitting with his hands over his face for awhile now. Eren hoped that there wasn't anything wrong with him. After a couple of seconds, Eren tried to move Armin's hands, that snapped him right out of his trance.

"Armin are you alright? You've been like that since I got out the shower." Eren informed him worriedly.

"Oh yeah I'm fine" Armin smiled "just having a flashback."

"About what?"

"Just about how we got together. It was rather odd though because you really didn't ask me, you just told me."

Eren smirked again "Well, you didn't really complain about it either. You sealed the deal with that kiss."

They both blushed and chuckled. Staring in each other's eyes, they leaned in for a kiss but was interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

"Instead of sucking each other's face off, you can come to breakfast."

There stood the not so dashing Jean, or at least that's what Eren always tell Mikasa. He was only wearing sweatpants and socks, but he didn't care. He was home and that's all that mattered. He had his phone in one hand and his other in his pocket. The look on his face made Eren's eyes narrow as if to say 'dude, get out of here'.

"Well? Are you too just gonna stare at me? Or are you going to get up and come to the table?" Jean said with a hint of irritation in his voice.

"I don't know Jean, I'm not all up for eating with my sister and her pet horse." Eren spat nonchalantly as he got up to get a shirt.

Jean just glared at him. "Be at the table soon you little Baka.."

He looked over at Armin, who was trying not to laugh. Jean made a growling sound and turned to walk away. Armin got up and walked over to the bathroom door.

"I'm going to go take a shower, tell Mikasa I'll be there in 10."

"Alright, don't have too much fun without me." Eren stuck his tongue out and winked.

"Oh trust me, I won't." Armin winked back as he gave Eren a quick peak on the lips.


Armin came out of the shower happy as can be. Grabbing a towel, he quickly dried himself and threw on one of his t-shirts and a pair of sweats. He didn't care what he looked like, after all, it was just breakfast. He came out of the bathroom and headed towards the dinning room. Everyone was sitting around the table when he showed up.

"Good morning Mikasa" he said brightly with that beautiful smile like before.

"Good morning Armin" Mikasa said back flashing her pearly whites.

"Now that we're done with the greetings can we PLEASE eat!?"

Jean was on the verge of going insane! His stomach was growling ever so loudly and the look in his eyes almost compared to how a lion looks at its prey.

"Alright, since Jean's going to explode I'll serve out breakfast. For you Jean, a tall stack of chocolate chip pancakes. For Armin, a nice cup of tea with a Danish and a good book. And for you Eren, pancakes with bacon and a bowl of fruit."

Everyone was rather happy with their breakfast. Armin flashed a smile at Mikasa as a thank you. Jean didn't even thank Mikasa. He just went right into his food. That made her laugh and just kiss his head. Eren just flat out thanked her with food in his mouth. She gave him thumbs up while somewhat hiding her face behind her hands. Soon everyone was finished and was ready to start their day.

"Oh Erennnnn.." Mikasa sung as she washed the dishes.

"No no no no no!" Eren shouted as he ran down the hall flailing his arms like a crazy person.

He knew what was coming and he didn't want her to ask. He just sat in his room. A few minutes later, Armin came in along with Mikasa. Eren eyed Mikasa as she sat on the bed giggling about his little episode awhile ago.

"Eren" Mikasa started in a more serious tone "I need you to do the yard today. Jean's parents are coming over today for dinner and I want this house and the yard to look good. Armin is helping me clean so you'll have to work with Jean."

Eren slammed his head down on his pillow. This has to be the worse day of his life. He had to work. With JEAN. Why must Mikasa do this to him?

"Look, I know you two don't get along but can you please just work together this once? Please?" Mikasa pleaded.

"...fine." He finally said.

This made Mikasa very happy. She hugged Eren and kissed his cheek in appreciation. Armin just sat back and smiled at the love that was going on in front of him. It reminded him of a tv show he watched when he was younger.

"So wait, why does Armin have to stay and clean with you? Why not get Jean to do it?"

Mikasa thought about it. "Hmm, you're right. Armin? Do you want to clean with me?"

"I don't mind. I'm not really into all that lawn work. Allergies. It's bad enough the dust in here's going to kill me." Armin confessed scratching the back of his head.

"Well, there you have it. You'll just have to get over the fact that you and Jean will be working together." She said yawning and walking towards the door.

Eren didn't want to work in the yard. And he definitely didn't want to work with horse face. He huffed and puffed the whole time he got dressed.

"This is going to be a long day ..."

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