Who's To Blame?

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The room was still. Quiet. Nobody had it in them to talk after what just happened. All they could feel in the atmosphere was want. Desire. Sadness. But overall, all they could feel was hope. Eren sat on the floor by Armin's bedside. Using his hands, he propped himself up from behind. Ace was silently sitting on the night stand by the bed. He had his eyes closed in an attempt to calm down. It was working but he could still hear the sobs coming from Jean and Mikasa's room. This made him clench his eyes tighter together and take a deep breath. Just then, Cloé came walking into the room. She had a sad look on her face but she tried to hide it behind a sympathetic smile.

"How is he?" She questioned sitting on the bed and rubbing Armin's arm.

"He should be alright. All we have to do now is wait." Answered Ace.

They continued to sit in silence until they heard Armin shift. Each person looked over at him with a twinkle of hope in their eye. This was it. The moment of grace. The moment of truth.

"Armin" Eren whispered as he kneeled by the bed "Armin, can you hear me? It's alright I'm here. Just open your eyes babe." A small smile started to curl on his lips.

Ace looked confused. He looked at Eren then back at Armin. "Did.. Did you just call him.. Babe?"

Eren slowly turned his head towards Jean's father. He felt his face turn a crimson red as he scratched the back of his head.

"It's a long story, hehe, I'll tell you about it later.. If you really want to know."

He then turned his attention back to the groaning blonde that laid before him with a cold rag draped across his forehead. He had bandages wrapped around his head too so that the rag would stay in place. His eyes though weren't the bright blue like always. Instead, they were a deep ocean blue with a wave of pain shooting across them. He moved his head a little and blinked three times to get his vision in check. Slightly turning his head, he looked into the eyes of his boyfriend.

"Eren?" the small boy called out to his lover.

Eren took Armin's hand in his. He kissed his head and rubbed his cheek. Eren was so happy to hear Armin's voice that everyone else in that room didn't matter. He could only hear Armin. He could only see Armin. Everything was about him and no could come in between them.

"Hey cutie, how are you feeling?" Eren smiled planting a small kiss on Armin's head. This made Armin blush, but smile nonetheless.

"Dizzy, where am I? I'm so confused.. What even happened? Everything's so blurry."

"I think I can enlighten you a little Armin" Ace cleared his throat "During dinner, your nose started bleeding and you started sneezing like a crazy person. The outcome of this was that you collapsed unconscious onto the floor."

Armin looked at him funny. Is he telling the truth? Did that really happen? Just then, everything hit him at once. Everything came rushing back to him and it made him whimper in pain as his head began to throb. Eren placed his hand on Armin's shoulder, hoping it could calm him down.

"I remember now, the blood.. the pain.. everything. I just don't understand why it happened."

"I have the answer to that. It appears you had a very allergic reaction to something. It might have been the things Mikasa put in the food."

Armin thought about it. Maybe it was. But then again, she is careful of what she cooked with knowing that he's allergic to many seasonings and spices.

"Eren" Ace called out "I need you to go get Mikasa for a moment. We need to find out what triggered his allergies."

Eren gave a 'hai' and got off the floor. He walked out of the room and headed straight for Jean and Mikasa's room. Nothing but sniffles could be heard from the inside of the room as he carefully knocked on the door. He heard a soft 'come in' and slowly entered. Mikasa had her face burried in the crook of Jean's neck. She was sniffling and still shaking a bit. Jean had her wrapped in his arms as he rubbed her back and kissed her head. He was just as sad as she was. Eren dropped his head then lifted it back up to talk to Mikasa.

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