Dinner Time

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"Do you think they're here?"

*knock knock knock*

"Hello? Jean? It's us, your mom and dad!"


Taking a deep breath, Eren finally opened the door. He was greeted by a fairly tall, slim man and a shorter but slim and pretty woman. They looked at him with confusion, but smiled nonetheless.

"Oh, I'm sorry sweetheart. We have the wrong house." Mrs.Kirstein smiled as she nudged her husband to turn around.

"No no ma'am, you have the right house. I'm Eren, Jean's fiancé's brother." He introduced himself.

Mrs.Kirstein let out an 'ohhhh' as she nodded her head, signaling she understood perfectly. Her smile returned to her face as she pushed her way inside of the house. Sadly, her plans to look for her son was interrupted by Armin. She bumped into him and stumbled a bit, but Armin caught her just before she took the full tumble.

"I'm sorry ma'am! I didn't mean to get in the way." Armin told her with a worried smile.

"It's quite alright Hunny" she said with a bright smile "I just need to be a little bit more careful when I enter people's houses hahaha."

Armin giggled at Jean's mother. He found her to be a funny lady. She looked at him and a bigger smile appeared on her face.

"My my what a cutie!" Mrs.Kirstein said as she pinched Armin's cheeks.

"Cloé .." Mr.Kirstein reached out to her shaking his head.

His wife had a thing about pinching cheeks and he saw it was taking over due to Armin and his "cuteness". He walked over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. Armin didn't mind though. She didn't pinch him too hard so he was fine with it. A light red color coated his face across his nose as she let go of his cheeks. He looked at Eren, who was closing the door. Jean's father saw the loving smile on his face and a little twinkle in his eye. Immediately, he suspected something, but of course, he shrugged it off. Kind of like how when Jean sees Mikasa in her little rockstar moods. He shrugs it off and shakes his head.

"So, tell me young man, what's your name?" Cloé asked Armin.

"My name is Armin." He answered with his famous beautiful smile.

You could feel Jean's mom slowly start to fall in love with Armin. He was so cute and well mannered. She turned her head and looked at her husband.

"Oh Ace, he's such a well mannered boy! Why couldn't Jean be like this?" She jokingly asked.

"Because mom, dad taught me how to be a soldier and not a soft cone."

Everyone looked up to see Jean standing in the middle of the walkway in the house. He had a straight face on since he heard what his mother said. Armin, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes and rolled them.

"No offense by the way Armin."

"None taken." Armin said sarcastically.

"Jean! How's my little man doing!?"

Cloé ran to Jean with open arms. Jean opened his too so he could properly embrace his mother. He kissed her on the head and continued to hug her. She finally pulled away so he could hug his dad. Ace ruffled Jean's hair and gave him a pat on the back.

"So, where's the bride to be eh?"

Jean blushed. "She's in the back. We kind of lost track of time and we had to rush to get ready." He scratched the back of his head. "So, I see you've met Eren and Armin." He said trying not to make things seem awkward.

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