And If There's Something Wrong Then What?

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The day after all the madness, the sun decided not to shine. Rain poured outside of the window, hitting the glass in a soothing pattern. Jean shifted around in the bed. He could hear the rain outside as he slowly started to come to. It was like the rain wanted him to wake. To sit and stare at it. As it wished, he stared. It seemed like with every tap on the window, a memory of yesterday came back. Jean closed his eyes and put his face in the pillow. Damn these memories. Why are they coming back? And at this time. But then, as he kept his head buried in the pillow, memories of him and Mikasa came. The faster the rain hit the window, the faster his memories shifted. He loved and hated the moment so much that he wanted to get up, but the thought of his soon to be wife drove him to remain in his current place. Sighing heavily, he turned on his side expecting to see a very peaceful sleeping Mikasa. All he met was the sound of someone sick in the bathroom. He jumped up out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. Slowly pushing the door back, he carefully felt for the light switch. Once he found it, he flipped it on and saw that the sick sound was coming from Mikasa. She was sitting on the floor and resting her head on the side of the bath tub. Curious, Jean bent down and lightly tapped her on the arm.

"Hunny? Hunny wake up."

Jean continued to tap her until he figured it wasn't working. He then started to shake her softly. She let out a soft moan, signaling she was still alive. Chuckling slightly, Jean picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bed. Reaching one hand from under her, he cut the light off and proceeding his way to the king sized bed in the middle of the room. Mikasa grunted a few times and as she did, Jean looked down and stopped. He gave her a few seconds to readjust before walking again. The walk wasn't far from the bathroom to the bed, but he had to make sure she wouldn't throw up again. Finally reaching his destination, he carefully placed her down onto her side of the bed and pulled the covers up over her. You are so beautiful Jean thought to himself. He stared at her as he began to lightly stroke her cheek. When it came down to it, he had to be the luckiest man in the world. Sure when they first met, she paid him no mind, but when he started to bug her about going on dates with him, it wasn't until then that he fell deeply in love. He could tell after the first two dates that she was somewhat falling for him. Occasionally, he would joke around and get on her nerves about liking him. But that day, when he found her sitting alone crying to herself. When he sat next to her. When she placed her head on his shoulder. He felt it. He felt something all too fimilair. It was love. She actually loved him. If the kiss she gave him after she stopped crying as a thank you didn't prove it, then the world must've been flat. He was snapped out of his thoughts as his phone began to ring.

"Hello?" Jean started.

"Uh Jean.."


"Yeah i-it's me..."

"Everything alright Armin?"

Armin didn't answer. Jean started to worry about what was going on and more importantly, why he wasn't in the house. He gave Armin a few seconds to speak, but when he didn't, he repeated himself.

"Armin? Is everything alright?"

"Uh y-yes! Well, no. Me and Eren went out for breakfast this morning, since we heard Mikasa throwing up dinner last night, and... well..."

"Well what?"

There was a loud banging noise followed by a string of curse words. Jean suspected it to be from Eren, which it was. What was going on on the other end of the line? Jean started to get a little irritated because Armin wouldn't just come clean with the problem.

"Armin" Jean sighed with frustration "Come clean with it already. I have to take care of Mikasa y'know.."

Armin took a deep breath. "Alright alright. Well, we're kinda stuck."

"Stuck where?"

"I have no idea..."

Jean slapped his forehead. "You've GOT to be kidding me... How do you not know where you are?"

"Well because ... Um, we just don't I mean there's no signs out here."

"What do you see Armin?"

As they continued the conversation, Mikasa's eyes snapped open. Jean jumped a little at the sight and dropped the phone, causing it to hang up right on Armin. He stared at her as she began to blink. That's all she did. Nothing more, nothing less. Jean looked confused for a moment. Slowly reaching a hand out to her, he placed his hand on her cheek hoping it will snap her out of.. whatever this was.

"Hun? Are you alright?"

No answer. She just stared blankly at his face. Soon he stared to become very uncomfortable with her eyes locked firmly on him. It was like she was slowly twisting his mind with her stare.

"Mikasa" he shook her arm "Mikasa, snap out of it. C'mon babe you're scaring me. Please snap out of it!"

A couple of seconds later, Mikasa blinked one final time before she came to. Shaking her head slightly, she brought her hand up to her forehead. Jean let out a sigh of relief as he continued to look at her, not really knowing what to do at the moment. Her gaze slowly turned to him as she started to sit up.

"Why are you looking at me like that Jean?"

Jean didn't know if he should speak. He was still trying to process the fact that she scared him. And nothing really scared the all mighty Jean. Finally, after some time, he spoke to her.

"Are you ok? You just sat there for like 10 minutes just staring at me. It freaked me out!"

"I did? Oh I'm sorry Hun." Mikasa said giggling a little.

She's lost it ! He thought to himself. He just shook his head and kissed Mikasa on the forehead. She smiled at him and pulled him back in the bed. They laid there for a good while before Jean's phone rang again.

"Yes Armin?" Jean breathed out.

"This isn't Armin dipshit. It's Levi."

Jean rolled his eyes. "Yes Levi?"

"I have Armin and Eren. They called after you rudely hung up on them."

"I know you're not talking about somebody being rude! You're the rudest person that ever walked the earth!"

Levi chuckled slightly. "So I'm rude eh? If I'm so rude, why do I have Eren and Armin sitting in my car driving them back to your hell hole?"

Jean bit his tongue. Damn Levi's smart ass. He sighed.

"Just hurry and get them back here."

With that, he hung up. Sighing heavily, he went back to cuddling with Mikasa. It was nice to have such peace in the house. No one else. Just them. The room grew darker, setting the perfect scenery for them to go back to sleep. After a good while of laying there, they heard the door open. Following the door, there were a loud noise, most likely a bang. Mikasa sat up and unravelled herself from the sleeping beauty that laid there under her. She made her way out of the room and slowly tiptoed down the hall. Stopping by the living room opening, her mouth dropped as she saw Eren nearly humping Armin. Of course, Armin tried to push him off, but it really wasn't intentional. Mikasa cleared her throat and both boys snapped their heads up. Armin blushed a dark red as Eren started to giggle.

"Uh, what's up with giggle box?" Mikasa questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, to make a long story short... He's high."

"High?!" Mikasa nearly screamed as her face went from a surprised one to a 'I'm going to kill Levi' expression. "What do you mean he's high?! Did Levi give him anything?!"

"Sis calm down" Eren said as he walked over to Mikasa "It's fine. I'm alright."

Just then Jean came down the hall. His hair was wild and he had nothing but boxers on. Eren instantly fell over with laughter. This made Jean arch an eyebrow.

"Uh, is he ok?" 

"Yeah, he's fine. But Levi won't be..."

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