Problem Solved

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Jean slowly walked into the dark room, feeling for the light switch. Damn it got pitch black at night. No wonder he use to bump into things when they first moved in the apartment. Finally finding the light switch, he let out a small victory noise but it was cut short by a sudden no. He looked over at the bed and squinted his eyes so they could adjust to the darkness better. Jean carefully walked over to the bed and sat down. He could see the outlining of Mikasa's body under the covers. She had a pillow over her head and was sniffling to herself. Jean shook his head and removed the pillow from her head.

"Baby, are you ok?" He questioned. He felt bad for her and all he wanted to do was make her feel better.

"No Jean, I'm not. Did you hear the way he talked about me? He basically blamed me for almost killing Armin! Even though, it was definitely my fault.."

She started to trail off. Maybe Ace was right after all. Maybe she is careless. She shuttered at the thought of Armin dying all because of her. Clinching her eyes shut tight, she reached out to Jean, who was sitting right by her side. He reached out to her and took her in his arms.

"You're not careless Mikasa. You were in a rush is all. Don't beat yourself up. Armin is fine now. He's alive and that's all that matters. Armin knows that you would never do anything to hurt him. He's not mad at you. And well, you shouldn't be mad at you either."

Mikasa smiled. Jean always knew what to say at the right time. That's why she loved him. He could turn any situation around and make her feel better. Snuggling closer to him, she picked her head up and kissed his lips. He kissed back and wrapped his arms around her tighter. She opened her eyes, ready to push Jean away, but was beat to the punch.

"I know, no sex. I just want you to feel better and the best way to do that is for you to, well, feel all warm from this sexy body heat." Jean winked at Mikasa, hoping she caught it in the dark.

"You are so silly Jean." Mikasa laughed loudly.

Jean felt proud of himself. He finally made her feel better! They continued to kiss until they heard a loud bang from the living room. Mikasa jumped up, causing her to bite the holy hell out of Jean's bottom lip.

"Dammit!" He cried out in pain.

"Oh hunny I'm so sorry are you ok?" Mikasa panicked.

Jean didn't have time to answer her question. There was now a thud that was heard and stomping. Both looked at the door, too afraid to get up. Good thing they didn't because an angry Levi burst through the door.

"What the fuck happened?! Jean! What the hell did your father do to my sister?!"

Mikasa couldn't believe her eyes. Was Levi really lashing out like this? That could shock anyone honestly. She got up and walked over to Levi trying to calm him down. He just grabbed her and hugged her tight. Wide eyes replaced her normal ones as she hugged him back. She was very confused but said nothing.

"Are you ok?" Levi asked, eyes demanding a response.

"Yes Levi, I'm alright. How did you get here and.. who told you about this?"

Everyone's eyes shifted to the lonely brunette standing in the doorway. He grabbed the back of his neck and laughed nervously. God did Jean hate a snitch. And more importantly, he hated it when Eren would call up Levi to solve any and every problem. He glared at the boy and gritted his teeth.

"Why did you call Levi.. In what way did this involve him?" Jean sneered.

"Well, I didn't know what else to do! She was crying and usually we'd get Levi to make her stop.."

"Eren, do you not understand that this is my soon to be wife? I can handle things on my own when it comes to her alright? So don't go calling Levi every time we have a problem, got it?"

Eren gulped and nodded his head. He was scared for his life right now thanks to the uncomfortable death glare Jean was giving him. It shot through his body so bad that he froze where he was standing. Just then, a confused and tired Armin came walking in. He was rubbing his eyes and stumbling a bit, but overall, he was a little irritated.

"What's all the fuss about?" He asked. He then turned his head to see a straight faced Levi. "Levi? What are you doing here? Oh no, Eren, did you call Levi again?"

Eren gave a nervous shrug as he looked at his boyfriend. Armin just shook his head. Turning back to Levi, he started to explain to him what just happened. After a few minutes, Levi calmed down. He requested a cup of tea from Jean, and Jean, being the soon to be brother in law, fulfilled the request. With a few huffs and puffs, he returned to the room and handed Levi the drink. They all sat there and talked about what just happened.

"And there you have it. Get it now?"

Levi nodded. "Still, he had no right to say what he did."

"Yeah" Armin lowered his head "But Jean set him straight. I've never seen him so angry before. The way he stood up for her.. it brought me to tears."

Levi looked over at Mikasa and Jean. Never before has anyone seen Levi look so thankful. He got up and walked over to Jean. Jean stood up from the bed and that's when it happened. Levi, the all mighty Levi, gave him a hug. Jaws dropped and eyes widened. What in the hell was going on tonight?! Everyone was losing the little piece of sanity they had. Mikasa started to tear up as she saw her brother and Jean hug. It was the most beautiful thing to her at the moment. Pulling away, Levi adjusted his clothes and walked towards the door.

Right before he left, he looked at everyone and said "Never speak of this to anyone."

Everyone nodded and smiled. This made Levi blush and quickly leave the room. Eren sighed and got up. He stretched his body, making his shirt ride up a little. Armin, naughty little Armin, licked his lips playfully and lightly bit the bottom one. Eren noticed this and quickly brought his arms down, blushing slightly. Armin let out a small giggle and tried to stand up. He was sucessful, but he still stumbled. Eren caught him just in time so there wouldn't be another accident.

"Well it looks like its time to go to bed eh Armin?"

Armin smiled. "Yeah, you're right. It is pretty late."

Jean looked over at the clock. It was already 1. He shifted around a few times on the bed find a comfortable spot. Once he found it, he took off his shirt and threw it at Eren's face.

"Well goodnight.." He quickly stated and threw the covers over him.

Mikasa got up, chuckling as she walked over to Eren. She took the shirt off of him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled and gave her one in return. Armin wasn't really paying attention so Mikasa's kiss on the cheek turned into a kiss on the nose due to him sensing she was close to his face. He blushed a dark red and mumbled a goodnight. She ruffled his hair and laughed at his shyness.

"C'mon Armin, lets hit the hay.. hehe, get it? Hay?"

"Oh shut the hell up and get out." Jean rolled his eyes and rolled over to face the wall.

Everyone laughed as each person made their way to their own beds. Today has been the worst day, but through it all, they seemed to make the best out of it. Yes sir, when it came to situations like this, no matter how hard it was, it always turned out for the best.

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