Chapter 4: Practice

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A.N: Hey there, everyone! I'm finally back with the next chapter of "Masked"! Sorry this took so long once again, I had a bad case of writer's block where I simply couldn't decide on how to start the chapter. It was hard to decide which characters to focus on as there are so many great ones to choose from, but I finally got it. Don't worry, the next chapter probably won't take this long to write and upload. So in the last chapter, we saw the huge get together at Butterfly's. There we got to see all of the masks partying and having a good time. Lamby then met some of the other masks and even befriended Thingamajig and Whatchamacallit near the end. Speaking of Thing and Whatcha, this chapter's all about them. Yay! This one was very fun to write because these two are among my top favorite masks that have been on TMS thus far. Overall, I hope you enjoy and let's start the show! ^^


The Next Day:

Following the epic Friday night bash at Butterfly's, everyone was exhausted. The wild party seemed to have drained everyone who attended of all their enthusiasm and energy. To the relief of many, the following day was Saturday. Ah, glorious Saturday: the first day of the weekend. A day where everyone is off work and school. A day where they are free to kick their feet up, relax, and sleep in.



The blissful peace of the morning was suddenly shattered as the loud and repetitive screaming of an alarm clock echoed through a small, cramped apartment. The green monster who resided there was rudely woken from his deep sleep.

Thingamajig groaned as he pulled the pillow over his head, trying desperately to block out the clock's shrieks. He tiredly reached his hand out and slapped at the 'off' button to make it shut up. After silencing the alarm, he lazily laid there for another minute. He squinted his tired eyes to see the time on the clock.

7:00 a.m.

Thingamajig gave a tired sigh. The reason that his alarm was going off at such an early hour during the weekend was because he had a scheduled practice with his team that morning. He loved playing Basketball; with all his heart. But he didn't always look forward to early practices; especially early ones held on Saturdays. The fact that he attended that wild party the night before didn't really help much either.

It took every ounce of willpower that the tall athlete had to lift himself out of bed and stand upon his large fluffy blue feet. Once he managed to accomplish that, he stretched and stifled a yawn before slouching out of his bedroom.

He rubbed his eyes with his arm as he sleepily stumbled through the living room of his apartment. The monster lived alone so he had the whole place to himself. But since he was a G-League player, he didn't have a lot of money to work with. Therefore his apartment was rather drab without much furniture or decor. It had the basic accommodations that a home needed. It also didn't help that the place wasn't very spacious. The apartment consisted of only one bedroom, one bathroom, a living room, and a kitchen that was very cramped. The ceilings were a little low too which made moving around quite a challenge for the green monster due to his extreme height. Thingamajig didn't entirely mind, though. All in all, he was just thankful to have a roof over his head and a warm bed to sleep in every night. It may not have been much, but it was home.

The monstrous athlete entered the kitchen. He pulled out a plate from the cupboard as well as a loaf of bread to make toast. Thingamajig popped four slices of bread into the toaster and waited impatiently for the bread to be done toasting. Incidentally, when the slices popped up, they were really burnt. Sighing, he buttered the toast and took his plate into the living room where he sat down on the couch. He took a few big bites of his toast before grabbing the remote and clicking on the television. The first channel that came on was the local news. The reporter was a raven with a silver beak.

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