Chapter 5: First Day

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A.N: Hey guys! What's up? I'm finally back with another chapter of "Masked"! I'm sorry that it took so long once again. Writer's block strikes at absolutely the worst times ever -_- But hey, I've recently had the inspiration come flowing right back; especially with Season 5's finale (P.S I'm glad Nick Lachey (Piglet) won. Jojo (Black Swan) was really great too, but I rooted more for Lachey ^^) So yeah, I've got a lot of different ideas for the story now so hopefully updates will be more common.

Anyways, in the last chapter we saw what was essentially a day in the life of Thingamajig and Whatchamacallit with them going to their job, seeing friends, and so forth. Well, today we're going to see my OC Lamby's first day. Fair warning, this chapter is going to be very 'Lamby-centric' and I apologize if it's boring for you. Don't worry, not all of the chapters will be centered around Lamby, but a few of them throughout the story will. But never fear, other masks will have prominent roles in them too. We're also going to see one of my favorite masks from Season 5 make a debut in this chapter. So, without further ado, enjoy! :)


Two Days Later (Monday):

Lamby woke up to her alarm clock screaming at her and immediately shut it off. She groggily sat up in bed and stared at the wall across from her. Lamby yawned and rubbed her eyes with her arm as she saw her reflection in the mirror hanging above her dresser. That was when it dawned on her. It was Monday; the first day of her new job as a teacher.

The pretty ewe felt a tired smile come to her face. Today was the day. Her dream of being a teacher was about to finally come true.

Lamby always liked the idea of teaching. Something about educating the youth and broadening their knowledge appealed to her greatly. What made it even better was that she was going to be teaching Social Studies; her favorite subject when she was in school. She would educate her students about many different cultures and ancient civilizations from long ago as well as their governments and religious beliefs. It was all so fascinating.

The sheep tiredly tossed her blankets aside and got up from the bed, stretching her limbs out. She looked at her clock.

6:30 a.m.

She heaved a relieved sigh. Classes at Maskglen Junior High usually didn't start until 8:00 a.m, so she had a little bit of time to spare. Putting on her purple robe and tying the sash, she went downstairs and popped some waffles into the toaster; then she brewed some coffee for herself. On her days off, she preferred a more comforting beverage such as her herbal tea. But because she was starting work today, she needed all the energy she could get.

Finally Lamby's waffles were done and the sheep completely doused them with syrup. She filled her mug and added cream and sugar before taking a dainty sip. Suddenly, her ears flicked as she heard distant chatter coming from outside. Although the two female voices were muffled, they sounded very familiar. Now feeling curious, Lamby opened the screen door and headed out onto her back patio. She smiled as soon as she saw the source of the noise.

Butterfly and Flamingo were both eating breakfast out on their respective porches while having one of their morning chats. The dazzling Rhopalocera and the sassy pink bird instantly noticed the pretty sheep step outside.

"Lamby! ¡Buenos días!" Flamingo called out waving,

"Yeah. Good morning, Lamby." Butterfly said politely,

"Flamingo, Butterfly, good morning." Lamby greeted sweetly, "What are you guys up to?"

Butterfly shrugged, "Just talking; we do this sort of thing everyday. Care to join us?"

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