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hey everyone! this is it! the last chapter to the story. srry. i will make a second one!  maybe....... not to many people like this story...... so i might. if i do, it will be called the girl behind the hood 2. k?  comment? let me know what you think?  lov u all!


its been a week since ive been here. this place is horrible. i hate it! and my whole body hurts. not just because i am practicly a slave, because i cant see or talk to eric. it hurts. phisically and mentaly. all i want to do is be in his arms. i was in love with him. and when you are in love with someone it hurts to be away from them.

  i curled into a ball on the concreat, dusty, floor. i hurt quite badly. i hadnt eaten in five days. i was lossing waite drasticly, and the abuse had happened again. i statrted to caugh vilontly, blood coming up.

  i tried to get up, but fell. i was going to die here. i have gotten punched cut kicked thrown down stairs and beaten. this was even worse than my foster parnets. i would have gladly went back to them.

  i heard footsteps and i cowered behind a big box. the door opened and the steps grew louder.

 "Come out come out where ever you are." the voice taunted.

 i held my breath, tring to be unnoticeable.

  "GIRL!  COME HERE!" the voice was angrey now. i shrinked back a little more.

  there was a loud groan. the a shot at the celing.


  "GUS! COME DOWN HERE THIS INSTENT!" the mean laids voice yelled from down the stairs.

  he groanded but retreated down the stairs. i let out a sigh of reliefe and curled into a ball again.

  i was going to die here. because once again, im the girl behind the hood. alone and abused.


thts it!   wat u think? i no its short but there another book comin out! mayb. if i get enough people asking for one. :)    anyways. vote comment

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