chapter 6~ akward and near death experiences can change people

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chapter 6 ~ akward moments

  the neext day was full of akward moments between me and eric. i wanted that kiss. but i would end up hurt in the end. i knew it. it seemed selfish now that i think about it.

  today many akward things happened. i ran into him in the kitchen at  one today.

  i had been looking at my feet, when i ran smack dab into him. he caught me so quickly i swear he . . . blured. but i had been falling, so it was probably just my imagintation.

  "Wow! are you ok Bells?" he said, smiling at me.

  his touch was warm and it  sank through me into my bones. it felt like an electric shock. it made me aware. but i likd it. it felt so right. so perfect. it sent tremrs down my spin. warm, sweet, tremers.

  "Im fine thank you." i said and ran off.

  then i had fallen asleep on the couch and ened up falling into his lap.

  when i had woke up i said sorry and blushed deeply.

    so now i was going to attemp to swim. eric was out there mowwing the lawn. i was getting into the swim suite that they got me. it was black with dark purple strings and dark poka dots. it was a string bikini. it was, to my opinion, a littl reveling. but i was grat ful to have someon who cared enough to get me one.

  i walked out with a towl wrappd around my chest that hung down to my mid thigh. when i saw Eric, my heart stuttered in an off beat rythem. he was shirtless. his torso was covred in a thin sheen of sweat. he looked tanner than normal. he had a soft glow. his muscels were tence with pushing the mower. he was so hot . . . . .

  i hadent noticed that i was still walking untill i hit the water. i let out a scream as i plunged under. i tried to push myself up but there was a mall robe stuck on my ankel. it was the rope to hold the rafts still. it tangled around and i couldnt get it off.

  my breath was shortning and my lungs screamed for freash air. it hurt so bad that i let took in a big breath and i was instently filled with water. the fire licked at my lungs and troat. i screamed for help and then blackness came. but i flt eveything.

   warm hands grasped my body. pulled me up. i felt cool air on me but my lungs were full and i couldnt breath. i was going to die.

  thn a hard pressure pushed on my chest. up down. up down. up down. up down. then th watr came up and i coughed it out. i gasped in a deep breath.

  when i could breath right. i looked up at eric. i was in his arms. concern filled his eyes and hung on his face.

  my heart thudded. he leaned closer. making sure it was ok. i wanted it. i need it. so i nodded. and his lips touched mine.

  the kiss started sweet and soft. light as a feather. but thn he kissd me harder. it was full of passtion and love. our lips moved in a needy sync. he laid me dowm compltley and hovered over me. i pulled him down so his body pressed against me. his tounge traced my lower lip, seeking entrence. i let him. then the fireworks exploded. it was like the grand fanally on the 4th of july that wouldnt end. a moan excaped my throat. he shivered in my grasp and his hold on me was tighter. i tangled my hands in his hair.  one of his hands slid from my cheek and it trailed down the left side of my body, stopping at the end of my waiste. i knew he wasnt going to do anything bad to me, so i let him. his hand trailed back up and he put both his hands on the sides of my head.

  he kissed me once, twice, one again and then pulled away slowly. i opened my eyes and his eyes were glowing. a big smile was on my face.

  "you're mine now." he said. "My girl. my love."

  i smiled, i was his.

  "Dose . . . that mean you're mine?" i asked.

  "Yes. im yours. and you're mine." and he kissed me again. gental as ever.





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