chapter 3~ a friend

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  chapter 3

  when i woke up again, for the second time today, i was in a warm bed. big thick blankets covered my body. i looked around the room and saw that the walls were painted a dark purple. there were 3 doors. one i assumed was the exit, another probably the bathroom, and the other was a mystery to me.

  i felt scared to be in this house. i knew it was Eric's. which is why i was scared. he made me feel wierd. i tried to get up and then i dropped to the floor. the pain felt sharp as a knife. then the door bust open. eric was standing there looking frightened.

  "Wow! are you ok? what happened?" he said tring to help me up, but i just screamed.

    he left me on my back, i was breathing hevely. tears were in his eyes again. and i didnt know why.

  "im so sorry for what happened to you. could . . .  could you tell me what happened?"

  i sighed nodding.

  i told him about the adoption, and about the whole non talking to other people rule. i told him about the accident, the beatings, the chores, the punishments. and the most recent accident. i told him about thier drinking habbits and about thier acuzations.

  when i was done, i was in tears. but i didnt cry because it hurt my sides to bad. eric on the other hands looked like he was about to burst with tears. but then his exprestion changed. he looked like a burning man. fire ripped in his eyes. his face went red.

  "Eric, calm down."

  he stayed the same. so i tried a diffrent aproch.

  "stop for me. please."

  then, his color went back to normal. and the shaking went away.

  "Why are you being nice to me?" i asked.

  "Because. i feel bad for you. and you're my friend."

  the words shocked me, and then he smiled a beautiful smile. making my insides melt.

sorry. short again, but i have to go to bed so blahhh. vote




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