chapter 8 embarresment

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when i woke up, i smiled as i remembered were i was. i was in erics arms. my head was resting on his chest and his arms were around my waist. he was breathing stedily and his chest was rising slowly. he looked so peaceful.

  his lips turned into a smile.

"hello beautiful." he said

  "Hey hottie." i said. my lips turned down in a frown. "Im sorry about  last night."

  he laughed

 "dont be sorry. it was cute. "

i blushed. "Thanks."


"my wounds are all healed now. i feel great. expesaly because you're here." i smiled

  he looked down at me with an adoration lookin his eyes.

  me leaned down and kissed me softly. i held him there, kissing him back. he responded with intensity. his hands traced my spine and pulled me under him. he pressed his body against mine. it felt so nice. he kissed harder.

  the the door opened n there was a gasp.

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