chapter 13

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    the next day when i woke up, i felt excited. i was eger to run. i dont know why but i wanted the rush. which was wierd.

  i looked over at eric and smiled. his hair was a mess, he was snoring lightly, and his chest rose and fell in a perfect rythem.

  his face turned up into a smile. he was awake. he knew i was too.

  :Hello" eric said.

  "Hillo." i said

  "How did you sleep?"


  "Thats good. today is the second day on the run." eric smirked.

  "Yea. it isnt as bad as i thought it would be." i said.

  "Yea. lets get ready. we have to eat, get dressed, and run."

  "sounds ever so delightful when im up for two minutes!" i said sarcasticly.

  "Sorry. " he frowned. i smiled and brushed my fingures against his skin.

  "Its ok eric. i love you. and as long as we are together, i will always be ok."

"What have i ever done in my very long life to deserve you?"

  "Alot obviously." i giggled. but then memories of my abuse came into my mind and tears fell.

  "Hey hey hey. it ok! why are you crying my love?" he said ergently, stroking my face franticlly.

  "Them." was all i had tosay and he took me into his arms and held me close.

  "They are dead and they cant hurt you. please dont cry. please!" he begged.

 i nooded and hugged him.

  "come on. lets get some food."

  we ate and packed up our stuff before going.

so srry it so short. bed time






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