chapter 4 ~ Mary

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chapter 4

  eric showed me around his house and i met his mother, Mary. she was small about the size of me, had brown hair and hazle eyes. she was pale and had a soothing voice.

  "Hi Bella! i'm Mary! i'll be taking care of you!" she said smiling brightly.

  "Hi, Mary." i said.

  "Are you hungrey?"

  "Yes. thank you."

  eric smiled at my axceptence, but as i winced when i sat, his face turned grave again.

  "Mom, Bella has something to show you." he said

  i shook my head"eric no! i cant!"

  "Its ok, you can trust me hun." she assured.

  i sighed and gave in. i pulled up the fabric and gasped out in pain, i held the scream within me.

  she gasped, and covered her mouth. pain filled her eyes. "sweetie im so sorry! did your old parents do that to you?"

  i nodded, pulling the cloth back down. i felt wierd about letting her i on my . . . me and erics secret. but it almost felt . . . good to have some one care. i felt almost at home.

  after giving me a very gental hug, she sat a huge plate of food in front of me.

  chicken, rice, potatoes, apple sause, steamed vegies. i was astouned. as i ate greedily, eric ate slowly, staring at me with a happy look on his face. then his mother whispered something to him and he nodded with a strange look on his face. as if he were in love, or he had just won a prise. a combanation of the two? i couldnt tell.

  after i ate a little bit of everything, i felt completley full. eric frowned at me.  "arnt you going to eat?"

  i nodded. "i did. im full."

  "Did they ever feed you?"

 i fell silent.

  "god." he said pulling me gently into his arms, careful not to hurt me. i felt like i was doing something wrong. by letting him hold me, but then i remembered that no one could hurt me. that i was protected. i let my head rest on his shoulder. and then quickly i got up. remembering that this might mean more to him then me. his expression looked hurt, but it was regained and he smiled.

  i got up, feeling tired, and went upstairs to bed.

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