chapter 7~ stormy night

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chapter 7 ~

  he had compltley claimed me. he said i was his. i couldnt deniy that i had feelings for him from the beginning. he had too. he had felt protctive of me. he cared that i had got to school safe and dry. all my worries had past. except one. now that i had hi,m, i was afraid to lose him. i was afraid he wouldnt want me.

  i laied in bed and looked at the celing, my thoughts running on a rampage in my head. it was storming hard. there was a loud crack! and the power went out. i jumped out of bed and ran into eric's room. i jumped onto his bed and some what on him.

  he stirred and shot up

  "Bells! whats wrong!" he said.

  i laughed at his bed head. but it was adorable! then i looked down emmbaresed. "I got scared of the storm."

  he pulled my chin up and smiled. he gave me a peck on the lips. "Well i'll pertect you from the evil storm." he teased.

  i slid under the covers and i tucked myself under his arms. he pulled me onto his bare chest. then i noticed that he was only in his boxers. then i remembered i was only in a big shirt and a pair undies. i blushed deeply. but i nussled my head into his neck. he smelled so good. i couldnt describe it. it was so diffrent. but so sweet.

  he pulled me to his warm body. our bodys fit together like a puzzle piece as we laide there chest to chest. well chest to head. he was alot taller than me.

  he kissed my neck to my shoulder. leaving my skin on fire. i pulled myself closer to him. i liked the way it felt to be close to him. i stroked his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist. it was at least three in the morning. i had hardly slept.  and with him so close, i definitly couldnt sleep now.

  i looked up at him and felt bad for waking him. he was out cold. 

  i smiled at his peace though.

i wasnt afraid when i was in his arms and i planed to keep it that way. i closed my eyes and drifted away




sorry it so short but my mom sick :[      sorry

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