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The day has finally arrived.

Six months over

Six months of pain

Six months of torture

Six months of agony

No more! She will tolerate no more.

Kushi was feeling upbeat after so long.

She could see her future ahead.

Her dreams coming true.

Not the silly dream she had since childhood, of finding her raajkumar.

Her dreams of completing her schooling. Her dreams of joining a culinary institute. And finally opening her own restaurant.

That's her dream. To become a chef, who can not only fill her customers stomach, but also their heart.

Kushi was doing a final check on her packing when she heard the knock on the door.

She looked up to see Anjali standing there hesitantly

"May I come in Kushi ji?" Anjali asked

"Ofcourse Anjali ji. This is your brother's room. Why would you need anyone's permission to come in" Kushi said without any heat

Anjali still flinched lightly.

She did notice the change from di to Anjali ji.

Could anyone blame the young girl if she wants nothing to do with the Raizada lot anymore.

Anjali came and sat on the recliner

There was an awkward silence.

Kushi, the charter box simply didn't want to open her mouth and later be accused of hurting anyone, especially the Raizada princess.

So she waited for Anjali to say whatever she wanted to say.

Anjali felt torn.

The woman in her couldn't bring herself to ask the younger one to forgive the man who tortured her both emotionally and physically.

The sister in her couldn't bear her chotte's pain

And finally the sister won out. Because she was not only a sister, but also a mother for her chotte.

A mother who relied upon her younger brother for everything in her life, a voice taunted from somewhere inside her.

And wasn't it true?

She was the elder one. She was supposed to take care of her chotte. And she had let the fourteen year old boy to shoulder all the burdens in their life, when she retreated into the cocoon he offered her.

"Kushi ji" Anjali called out hesitantly

"Ji Anjali ji. Tell me" Kushi prompted

"Chotte told me everything Kushi ji" Anjali whispered and Kushi froze for a moment


"I can't express how sorry I'm Kushi ji. It is all because of me."

"Its okay Anjali ji. There is really no point worrying about the split milk, is there. Jo hogaya so hogaya. Now all we can do is forget everything and move on" Kushi said matter or factly

"Chotte. Chotte has been through so much Kushi ji. He lost his parents when he was just fourteen"

"And I lost mine when I was only eight Anjali ji. Please don't tell me grief is the cause of everything" Kushi countered, not wanting to let the Raizada siblings guilt trip her into staying.

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