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They devoured each other as if finally finding an oasis in a deep desert.

It has been six months. Six months since they saw each other this close.

Six months since they talked.

Six months since they looked into each other's eyes and had a conversation without the use of mere words.

"Kushi ji. Congratulations" Anjali said and Kushi snapped out of her daze

"Babyyy" Chaahat squealed seeing the little baby with the new lady.

Kushi set Chaahat on the ground when she squirmed in her hold.

Chaahat toddled over to Anjali and pulled at her saree

"Want baby" Chaahat demanded cutely

"Chaahat. Don't" Arjun called out warningly

"It's okay" Anjali smiled at Arjun letting him know that she is not bothered.

Anjali sat on the stone bench and held Chaahat's hand and brought her closer.

Arnav moved towards Kushi

"Congrats Kushi" he whispered huskily

Kushi's heart went dhak dhak in her ribcage.

Arnav held her arms and pulled her away from the group as they were all busy watching the interaction between Chaahat and Naira.

"Arnav ji. What are you doing?" Kushi asked

"Just let me look at you. Please" Arnav said and Kushi simply couldn't fight.

Because she too wanted to have her fill of him.

For the next many months or years to come.

"How are you Kushi" Arnav asked, his gaze never leaving her face

"Good. And you? How are you Arnavji?" Kushi asked, taking in his lean figure and sunken cheeks.

He had lost weight since the last time she saw him.

There were purplish bruises under his eyes indicating his sleeplessness.

Her heart ached. For her, for him, for them.

But she couldn't go back.

She couldn't bring herself to trust him with her heart again.

She couldn't trust him not to hurt her again.

She admit, she was quite surprised with Arnavji not coming in front of her or forcing her for the past six months.

He had simply been around, content at watching her from afar.

Giving her time to achieve her dreams.

She never thought he would do that.

She had expected him to barge into her house and demand she go with him.

Or blackmail her to do as he say.

But he never did that.

"Living in hope" Arnav answered


"Living in hope that one day you will come back to me. One day you will trust me with your heart, with your love." Arnav said huskily

"Arnav ji..."

"No. Don't say anything Kushi. Just let me believe that. That belief is the only thing that keeps me going. Just let me live in that hope" Arnav pleaded

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