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Arnav returned home only find his wife missing.

Where is she?? Didn't he tell her that he would be back home soon??

"Kushi....Kushi.." He called out loudly as he walked towards the kitchen

"Arnav ji?? You are home early??" Payal asked in surprise

"Yeah. Uh..Where is Kushi??" Arnav asked

Payal opened her mouth to tell him where she is ,but then she remembered Kushi saying she wants to surprise Arnav.

"She went to Buaji's place" Payal said

"Why??" He hissed making Payal frown

"What happened Arnav ji??"

"No. Its just that we have been there just yesterday. So..." Arnav trailed off

"She went to take some stuff. She also mentioned she wanted to do some shopping" Payal said remembering Kushi's phone call a few minutes ago, after submitting her application form. Kushi had mentioned she was going to get her study material.

"Oh. Do you know where she has gone for shopping??" Arnav asked

"Near Meena Bazar" Payal said smiling.

Maybe Arnav ji also wants to go and give her sister a surprise. Then Kushi can share her happy news with her husband.

"Oh good. And Payal. We won't be back for lunch" Arnav said and rushed out of Shantivan.

Payal smiled. Atleast her sister is happy in her marriage. Arnav ji accepted Kushi wholeheartedly even after knowing they kept the truth of Shyam hidden. Only if her husband could also be a little understanding.

Little did she know, the man who walked out was not just her sister's raajkumar. But also the Shaitaan in her life.


Kushi got the different text books from the book store and was happily walking through the Bazaar deciding to treat herself with two plates of gol gappe in this happy occasion.

She felt at peace. Away from Shantivan. Away from the place where she shed tears of anguish. Away from the place where she felt suffocated by her love for Arnav ji and his mistrust towards her.

Here ,now ,she was simply Kushi Kumari Gupta.

The happy go lucky girl from Lucknow.

Will she ever be the same Kushi again.

No...her heart whispered.

She will never be the same Kushi again ,because her heart would always belong to Arnav Singh Raizada.

Even if she moves to Antartica and freezes to death ,her heart will still beat for her Arnav ji.

But the mind that had gotten stronger in the last one year will not let her destroy her dreams anymore.

She needs space.

She will have to go away from him.

If not ,she will loose herself in her love for him.

"Chacha ji. Two plates of gol gappa. With extra spice" Kushi said and she placed her shopping bag near the gol gappe stall

The vendor smiled and prepared two plates of extra spicy pani puris and Kushi relished it happily

Arnav Singh Raizada was welcomed in the busy crowd of Meena Bazaar to the sight of his wife relishing pani puris.

The look on her face as she swallowed it. As if she achieved nirvana...

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