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Kushi Kumari Gupta spend all her waking hours in her studies

She immersed herself in her books, so that her memories wouldn't overpower her heart

It has been four months.

Four months since she left her beloved Arnav ji.

Her heart still yearns for him

But she wouldn't give in.

Not now. Not when she is ready for the next step in her life.

She knew he spends his nights around Laxmi Nagar

She had felt his presence whenever he is around.

And her restless heart found peace whenever he is near.

In the initial days, she thought she must be hallucinating his presence.

But then Vimala maasi had slipped the fact accidentally that their beloved damad ji is waiting in the car outside every night

'I'm so envious. He loves you so much' Vimala maasi had gushed over her Arnav ji's love.

Kushi didn't utter a word.

How much ever he hurt her, she couldn't bear it if anyone thought bad about him.

She would have never said the truth to her parents if Payal hadn't overheard the conversation.

She would have kept it to herself.

But the decision was taken from her.

A white car pulled up in front of the house and Kushi looked up to see her sister and brother in law getting down from the car.

Kushi squealed in happiness and flew into her sisters embrace

"Jiji I missed you" Kushi said

"Pagal" Payal muttered fondly

"Mujhe tho kisine dekha bhi nahi" Akash mock complained.
(No one noticed me)

Kushi smiled at her brother in law

"Kaise ho jeeja ji"
(How are you Jeeja ji?)

"Fit and fine. What about you? Hows your studies going?"

"Doom daam se chal raha hei."
(Going well)

"You only have four days left right?" Akash asked

"Yes" Kushi nodded.

She is so damn nervous about her exams.

She had put all her efforts into it and if she failed.

No Kushi. Don't think negative

"All prepared?" Akash asked

"Yes. Almost. Arjun ji said not to study anything new. Just to revise already covered portions" Kushi said

"Arjun ji?" Akash asked in confusion

"He is the maths teacher in the nearby Govt school. He helped Kushi a lot with her exams and studies" Payal said

"Oh okay."

"Come inside. Else Buaji will twist my ears for keeping her payaliya and damad ji out of the house" Kushi said

Her relationship with Amma and Buaji had also been affected greatly

For the first two months, they have been painfully polite with her.

Talking to her and treating her as though she is a glass doll about to break any moment.

Her Amma had cried and cried apologising for not trusting her. For raising her hand on her.

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