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A few days passed by without much interaction between Arnav and Kushi.

Whenever Arnav tried to make a conversation, Kushi would smile politely at him and look back at her book, effectively dismissing him.

He was tempted to throw her books away many a times. But he had controlled his urge, not wanting to be accused of him being against her studies.

He honestly do no have any problem with that.

In fact he is proud of her.

His only problem is ,her using her studies as an excuse to ignore him

Couldn't she spare at least an hour for him

Arnav was at the end of his tethers. There's no much time left now.

He cursed himself again and again for his stupidity of signing a contract for six months.

Maybe he should have made her sign a contract of forever. A contract that states the she will never leave him. Never ever.

He walked towards his room briskly hoping against hope that Kushi would be there ,not as always at the terrace with her books.

And the flutter of life he felt in his heart when he saw her in the room...

"Kushi.." he called out huskily

Kushi looked up from looking through her purse.

She looked dressed to go out.

"Going somewhere Kushi?" He asked

"Ji" she said and walked past him towards the door.

Arnav quickly held her hands.

This is the first time he got her without her study materials and he is not going to miss the opportunity.

Arnav Singh Raizada ,jealous of a set of grade XII books !! Who would have thought.

"Where are you going Kushi?"

"Internet cafe" Kushi said and tried wiggle her hand out of his grip

He tightened his hold.


"Kuch kaam hei Arnav ji"

"Tell me what it is. I will do it for you. No need to go to the cafe Kushi. We have laptop here. We also have an wifi connection at home." Arnav said

"I don't want to bother anybody here. I will manage"

"Its not a bother" Arnav hissed angrily

"See. You are already getting angry. And I don't have time to deal with your temper tantrums Arnav ji"

"I'm not angry and I'm not throwing a tantrum" Arnav snapped

"Yes you are. But then there is nothing new in that. But I don't intend to be your punching bag anymore Arnav ji. So if you could please leave my hand, I can get on with my work"

"You are being unreasonable Kushi. I only wanted to help. Why do you have to be so stubborn."

"Yeah. I'm stubborn" Kushi murmered sarcastically

"Do you have any idea how many days it has been since we talked Kushi? You don't even look at me ,let alone talk"

"What's the point Arnav ji. We will have to get used to that. It's only a matter of days. After that we will go our separate ways"

Arnav sucked in a sharp breath

"No. You don't mean that. I know you are angry with me. And you have every right to. And I know you want to hurt me by saying these things. It's okay. I deserve that. But remember? Arnav Kushi hamesha. Nothing can separate us" Arnav said adamantly

"Arnav hi, listen-"

"No. I won't. Now tell me about this work you have at the cafe. I will do it"

"I have to check my mail and download the study material and take print outs"

"Great. We have a printer in the study. Come lets go"

"I will manage"

Arnav took hold of her hand and dragged her to the study without listening to her protests


Anjali stared at her brother dragging Kushi somewhere.

Her chotte!

Her chotte is finally happy. And she is happy for him

But he seems to have forgotten his di ,Anjali thought sadly.

She didn't find it in herself to complain. Her little brother had always looked after her. And now if he wants to concentrate on his personal life ,could anyone blame him.

He had found his happiness after long years of darkness.

But she wish ,oh she wish he would spend a little time with her. Like old times.

She feels so lonely even though Nani and Mami always fuss around her.

The two most important people in her life were her chotte and her Shyam ji.

And her Shayamji turned out to be not hers

And now her chotte is not hers alone.

Atleast her chotte is happy with Kushi ji.

Kushi ji!

Anjali honestly do not have any problem with Kushi. Neither does she blame Kushi for what Shyam ji did.

But seeing Kushi makes her feel more insecure

There must be something lacking in her ,if her husband fell in love with Kushi ji.

Yes, she knows she is handicapped. But for a long time she had almost forgotten it's a lack in her.

But her insecurities where coming back and seeing Kushi just keeps reminding her that she is not enough.


Arnav opened his laptop and opened the email website

"Tell me your ID and password Kushi"

"I will enter them" Kushi said

Arnav smiled sadly

Ofcourse, she has her own privacy. Why did he even expect her to share these information with him

Kushi logged into her mail and Arnav saw a mail from some Arjun Tiwari

"Arjun Tiwari?" The words came out of his mouth before he could stop

He didn't intend to ask ,but somehow it came out

"Ji. My maths teacher" Kushi said as she opened her mail

An image of a bald man with a pot belly appeared in Arnav's mind as she said Arjun was her Maths teacher

"Let me" he said and took over downloading the files and printing them out.

"When is your exams Kushi?"

"Four months from now. Dates are not announced yet" Kushi said

"If you need any help ,let me know"

"Its okay. I have everything under control" Kushi said with that infuriatingly polite tone

Control Arnav ,control!!


Not edited.

And I didn't have an update ready for today ,so this is a last minute chapter adjustment 😖

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