The sorting hat

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Simone and Cedric were walking hand in hand. Both agreed that Hogwarts was beautiful. They walked in the Great Hall, everyone started to whisper when Simone and Cedric made their way to Dumbledore started to speak.

"Attention students! Welcome back. This year, we will have two new students, Mr Diggory and Ms Unger"

Everyone clapped their hands. Simone hated how every girl were looking at Cedric. And Cedric hated how every guys were staring at Simone.

"Now, you two will be sorted in the houses that you belong"

They both nodded. Simone kissed Cedric, everyone gasped.

"Mr Diggory"

"Yeah, sure" said Cedric still thinking about the kiss. He loved Simone with all his heart. The hat esitated and yelled:


The hufflepuff's table was clapping their hands and the girls's whispers were irritating Simone. She just wanted to 'kill those bloody bitches'.

"Ms Unger, your turn now"

The McGonagall put the hat on Simone's head.

"Umm, what we have here? A loyal person, like the Hufflepuff, but you're very smart and you enjoy reading too, like a Ravenclaw, but you're also brave like a Griffondor, but wait, what is that? You're really ambitious and cunning, and , wait, you burnt your muggle school?!"
"It was an accident" Simone though.
"Well, you maybe be sweet and brave, but I know where to put you."

"SLYTHERIN!" the hat yelled.

Simone noticed Elisa's and Cedric's disappointed expression and mumbled an 'I'm sorry' to both of them. Elisa sighed while Cedric gave her a simpathetic smile an mounthed a 'see you later'.

Simone nodded and sitted next to a girl with short black hair.

"Hi, i'm Pansy"

Simone smiled to the girl and said:

" Hi, i'm Simone"

She felt like someone was staring at her, she turned for see a pair of grey eyes trying to read her soul. She had hear of him. He smirked and touched his platinium blonde hair. She knew who he was. The prince of Slytherin, Draco Malfoy.

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