Chapter 25

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The reception was in full blow. People were dancing and having a great time. Meanwhile the family and the groomsmen and the bridesmaids were having a photoshoot.

"The groomsmen stand together and Louis you dip Harry into a kiss" Louis smirked before dipping him and kissing him passionately. The cameraman took a few snaps before repeating the same process with the bridesmaids.

"Now let's have a family shoot. Emily, you stand between Harry and Louis and bend a little. Harry and Louis, you two touch your foreheads and close your eyes and smile. Emily, you let out a laugh.... basically a smile showing your teeth" They nodded before doing as they were told. Emily smiled wide as Harry and Louis touched their foreheads slightly and smiled.

"Great now everyone hold the rainbow smoke bombs and stand in order so that I can tak a good snap. Harry and Louis, you two can wrap the pride flag around yourselves"

As everyone opened the smoke bombs and the slight breeze took it with them a beautiful sky was created. The blending colors were giving the sky and the atmosphere a mystical feeling. It was gorgeous sight they would mever forget.

"Amazing!! Now you can go and enjoy the party, I'll snap a few clicks there."

They were all leaving as the cameraman browsed through the pictures.

"Hey! Erm Walter, right?" Asked Daisy.


"We were hoping if you would click a few pictures of us" Emily asked biting her lip.

"Oh ofcourse. Come on"

Emily smiled as Daisy grabbed Emily's waist and pulled her closer to her body. Emily put her hands on Daisy's neck and kissed her with all her love and passion.


"Thank you so much"

"Anytime" Walter smiled at them beforeoving towards the reception to catch a few good clicks.

Emily and Daisy walked in to see Zayn giving a toast.

"I believed that they would end up together one day because a love like that never ends. They might have been idiots to realize it sometimes but their love is forever and I can't say how lucky I have been to be a part of this special day." Smiled Zayn before raising his glass to them. Everyone clapped at his speech and cheered.

"Now let's have Harry and Louis's daughter and Harry's Maid of Honor, Emily say something" said Sean who sat at the far end of the table.

"Good Evening everyone. As everyone knows I am the happy couple's daughter and Papa's maid of honor but what you don't know is how special this day is. Not just because they are getting married today but 11 years ago, Papa and Dad made the decision to adopt me... Its not just any other ordinary day that they chose to get married but they chose today because I came into their lives today.
"I asked them why did they choose today? The day I was adopted? They said that if it weren't for me, they would have fallen apart long ago and that today is possible only because of me but I just wanna say that if it weren't for them, I would have fallen apart long ago. I was 9 years old when they came to the orphanage to adopt but I don't know why they adopted me. The people who came to the orphanage usually adopted new borns or younger kids yet they adopted me... they gave me a new life when they brought me home. I found grandmothers, so many aunts, so many uncles. I would've been rotting in some corner if it weren't for them.
"I've seen them together and I've seen them apart. I've seen them horribly kiss and I've seen them dramatically fight but at the end of each day, one of them would always understand and be there for the other.... they knew who had to make compromises in what situation. They know each other inside out and yes they may get frustrated with each other sometimes but even they know that they are made for each other and no one can EVER change that fact. No hate comments, no management, no one can keep them apart for too long because love always finds a way" Emily finished with her speech.

She was standing at the table, her chair just beside Louis's. He pulled her between him and Harry before tugging her down to kiss her cheeks.

"I love you pumpkin"

"You stole my heart sweetie" Louis said with a teary smile.

"Love you so so much" Emily smiled at her parents before kissing their cheeks and getting back to her seat.

After all the toasts were completed, the 6 tiered cake was brought to them. The cake was white and had two little people on the top under a floral arch made of twigs.

Harry and Louis held the knife together and cut into the cake which had rainbow insides with vanilla frosting in between the layers. They fed each other before feeding a piece to Emily.

Their wedding playlist started and as the tradition goes on, Louis and Harry horribly danced their first dance as a married couple.

In the corner Emily and Daisy hid away from the crowd and danced with each other. Daisy's parents who reluctantly came were also at the reception so Emily and Daisy had to be careful. Daisy planted a soft kiss on Emily's forehead and rested her head on Emily's shoulder.

"I love you Daisy" Emily whispered.

"I love you too" Daisy whispered.

"DAISY!!!" They turned to the source of scream to see Daisy's father standing with clenched hands and a red amgry face.

"Da-ad" Daisy stuttered as she slowly stepped away from Emily.

"What are you doing in the corner with that girl?"

"Nothing!! We were just dancing" said Emily.


"What's happening?" Asked Harry as he saw the crowd build up around the corner.


"Excuse me?"

"I saw her kissing your daughter. HOW DARE YOU?"

"How dare we what?" Asked Harry calmly.

"You knew about this, didn't you?"

"Yes we did. But Daisy can do nothing to change herself. It wasn't her choice. She was born this way" Harry tried to explain Daisy's father.

"I refuse to let my daughter be a part of this bullshit" he growled before grabbing Daisy's hand and pulling her away. He pushed through the crowd amd exited the venue with Daisy's mother at their heel.

Emily took deep breaths as the tears rushed down her face.

"You can go back to whatever you were doing" yelled Louis before approaching his daughter.

Harry was rubbing her back and whispering soothing things in her ears.

"I'll go and talk to that bastard" said Louis.

"LOUIS! NO! Not today at least. Please. We'll figure this out later. We'll go tomorrow to meet with them and try to make them understand, okay?" Said Harry trying to control his husband.


"I said TOMORROW!!" Said Harry firmly.

Finally when the party ended and the three of them arrived at their home. Emily exited the car with her fave down and her makeup smeared all over her face. She looked a mess. She walked towards the door only to trip over suitcase.

She looked up to see Daisy sitting at the porch.


"EMILY!!" Daisy lunged at Emily and wrapped herself tightly around her.

"What happened?"

"I ran away..." she let out a weak smile.

"THANK GOD!!" Exclaimed Louis.

Daisy explained that she will be staying the might here and tomorrow she will be back to New York where she studies fashion. She had called her uncle and he had agreed upon paying her fees for the leftover terms.

"I love you" said Emily

"I love you too" whispered Daisy before leaning in to kiss her. At last Daisy was free of the shackles that her parents had put around her.

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