Chapter 1: "The Ideal Swimsuit"

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It had been about 2 and a half weeks since the exams were over, and with that, the summer vacations arrived.

I lifted the weight from that accident when I had my memories back; however, I couldn't remember anything that happened before I recovered my memories.

Honestly, that feeling of relief that I felt in those last days before finishing the exams was great, since Misaki and her "gang" were expelled from the school.

Right now, just being August 22, I was lying on my bed with a pillow over my face, while I slept as peacefully as possible.

The air conditioner in my room made the atmosphere cool, even when the heat outside was as excruciating as spending too much time in a sauna.

The calm in my room, combined with the sound of the cicadas that could be heard through the closed windows, and that silence that was in the air, were the perfect combination for a good summer of rest.

It's been around one month since I became a girl thanks to Yamada's formula, and so far, I haven't had too much trouble with it.

On the other hand, and thanks to that school trip, I was able to meet some good people who I consider friends right now.

I felt that the boring life that I had before was finally ending, and at the same time, I felt that I was in a very entertaining life, but difficult at the same time.


I was rolling over in my soft, soft bed, as the air that felt throughout the room surrounded my body, making it feel fresh. I hugged my pillow, and drooled as I let out a few small snores.

That moment could have lasted forever, and I wouldn't have complained, but...

Ring... Ring…

What sounded like a bell was heard. It wasn't the one on the front door, because from my room you could hear it perfectly. It was something different.

Slowly I got up from my bed, and rubbing my tired eyes, I looked around foolishly.

Looking at where the sound was coming from, I realized it was my own phone. I was getting a call.

When I looked at the clock on my desk, I realized it was 9:43 AM.

Who could it be at this hour...?

I thought, and took my phone.

On the screen of that silver cell phone with a water-green protector, the name "Atsushi" could be seen written in large.

Why's he calling me?

I decided –somewhat sleepy— to answer the phone.


"You finally answer, Kimigawa." He said.

"I'm sorry, I was sleeping…"

I said very sleepy.

"Anyway... What are you doing calling me...?"

"I was calling to ask you something... Do you remember those tickets Kurosawa's father gave us after the festival?"

"... Ah, yeah."

It took me a moment to remember it, as I was still sleepy. I gave a yawn after saying that.

"Well, since we're on summer break, why don't we use the tickets?"

"... Eh? Do you… Want me to go to the beach with you?”

"Something like that."

My face showed a surprised expression, and for some reason I blushed a little.

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