Chapter 4: "Reconciliation"

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It was already August 25. I was at home doing my homework, which I didn't quite understand. Or rather, I wasn't paying attention to it. I was totally lost in my mind, while my air conditioning turned completely on my back.

I felt a chilling sensation on my back, despite wearing a coat for the cold that the air gave me.

The sun's rays passed through the window, while I listened to a random song on my phone.

Right now, I had a trigonometry problem to solve, yet I wasn't focused on it at all.


I found myself looking at the paper in my notebook, while turning around my pen in my hand, and thinking about the problem between Atsushi, Alice and their family.

Did something happened to them when I left them alone...?

That were all the thoughts that invaded my mind.

At that moment, a message on my phone stopped the music I was listening to, since the tone I had when I receive a message was playing.

When I opened the message, I saw from who it was.

"Hey Kimigawa."

It was Atsushi.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Are you free tonight?"

"Uh? Yeah, why?"

"Could we go to the summer festival it'll be happening in the park tonight?"

"Eh? You're inviting me? Wait, was there a festival in the first place...?"

"Isn't it obvious that it is? It's summer after all, and the Obon festival happened days ago. In any case, I also need to talk to you. It's about Alice and her plan to take me back."

"Ah, sure."

"Well then, we'll meet at 7 PM near our usual meeting point."

"It's not usual!"

"Just kidding."

That "usual" meeting place was, of course, the statue of Hacchiko.

"Anyway... See you there then."

"Yeah... Bye."

I said, and didn't reply again.

I was a little worried about how he said things to me, being totally direct about it.

It was then that I decided to get ready to go to that festival. In the meantime, I was thinking about how the others were doing without us on the beach.

In any case, I didn't took too much importance to it. 

I took my phone, and decided to check my closet to see what I could get to wear.

When it comes to a festival like this, I would normally go with a yukata, however, and unluckily, I didn't have one. My mother wasn't home either, so I wouldn't know where to get one.

I let out a slight sigh, and said:

"Forget the yukata. I don't need it right now anyway. I'll use something more casual."

I said. I looked carefully at my closet, and chose my "casual" clothes to go to the festival.

Some dark colored jeans, red sneakers and a black shirt with a white print with the word "Summer" in katakana.

I think this is casual... Right? Although now that I'm a girl, my clothes may look strange...

When trying on those jeans, I noticed that they fitted well to my new waist, however, they were somewhat loose, so I used a brown belt to hold that jean.

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