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The night after the festival had fleetingly passed, while the blazing sun illuminated the city once more, as it does every day.

It was already August 26.

We had all planned to meet in the afternoon to talk, so when that time came, we all met.

I took my handbag, which I took on that occasion when I went shopping with Atsushi. I wore it because I had something important there.

By that time it was after 1 PM.

We were all meeting in a coffee shop near the Shibuya train station, talking and clarifying things. Atsushi and Alice briefly told them about their past and about the festival, so they basically understood everything.

And then...

"Eehh?! You have to go?!"

I asked with a huge incredulous face.

"Yeah, I'll return to England! Now that things are settled, I think I'm confident enough to go back and confront my uncles."

Alice said with a confident face and a huge smile on her face.

"Are you sure? You're only 13 years old you know."

Atsushi said.

"You know that I matured mentally enough to be able to confront them directly, right? We talked about it last night."

"Yeah Yeah."

"Eh? Did you two talked last night?"

Mayomi asked.

"Yeah, I fell asleep after the festival, but I woke up, and since we were there, we talked most of the night to find out how the two of us were during the time we didn't talk."

Alice said.

"I see."

"In any case, as I was saying, I'm going back to England today."

"That explains why she carries her luggage with her..."

Hotarou said.

In fact, what she was carrying what didn't look like much luggage.

She carried only a bag on wheels, the bag she took on the beach trip, and also a small portable fish tank to carry Londe, her new pet fish.

"What a cute fish!"

Gina said, who looked at the fish in amazement.

Eri approached the fish, stared at it and said:

"How will it taste on the grill?"

"ERI-SAN?!" Mayomi yelled along with me.

"Ah, don't worry, I was talking about fish but not about Londe."

"You scared us all... Even Londe."

"Geez... Kurogawa-san is very joking."

"S-Sorry for the bad joke..."

Hiromi apologized.

"Anyway, I'll be a little late for my flight, so we'd better go to the airport."

Alice said looking at her watch, which she wore up her sleeve.

"Right, your flight was around 3:30 PM, right?"

"Yeah, we better go as soon as possible."

She said, got up, took her luggage and started to leave. 

GenderSwitchs Vol. 2 (English)Where stories live. Discover now