Final Words.

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Hello! Kisaragi Yuki here once again.

Firstly, I want to thank everyone for read this second volume of "GenderSwitchs!". I hope you guys enjoyed this volume a lot.

This volume took us to the past of the mysterious Atsushi, who was kinda a low-key charecter until now(?). How was it? I'm happy to see that people received this volume very well, which motivates me to keep writing it even more. Thank you for all the comments, I'm always read them! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I want to announce that the series isn't over yet, it'll continue for more time long! However, I've been really busy due school, so I couldn't progress on the next uncoming volumes, and other projects I've been working on. For now, I'd like to focus on write some more, Even if it's just for a while. I'd do my best to bring the volume 3 as soon as I'm able to!

By the way, this was the first time that Eri, Mayomi, and Ryutsuki in a bikini were showed! Aren't they adorable? It was really fun to work on this volume, especially that Extra Chapter at the end. It was really hilarious!

Once again, thank you for all your support! My novel has reached more countries from other continents that I actually expected, which surprised me a lot! Thank you so much! As a gift, here's a illustration, extracted from the PDF version of the volume 2! There you can see the designs of the characters that weren't showed yet!

Once again, thank you for all your support! My novel has reached more countries from other continents that I actually expected, which surprised me a lot! Thank you so much! As a gift, here's a illustration, extracted from the PDF version of the vo...

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Illustration from Volume 2.

With that being said, I leave now.

See you in the next volume!

-Kisaragi Yuki.

Twitter: (nekomonoyuki)

GenderSwitchs Vol. 2 (English)Where stories live. Discover now