Chapter 2: "An unexpected change of plans"

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The atmosphere felt cold, it was early in the morning when I was finally aware of my surroundings.

It was around 6:39 a.m. when I was rolling around in my bed. I was so relaxed that it seemed like I was never going to get up from there.

I kept rolling around, as I began to hear the sound of a small beep on the side of my bed. I was so asleep that I didn't pay the slightest attention to it, and I continued sleeping for another long time.

When I started to get up, I had problems opening my eyes. It was as if my eyes were too tired to be opened.

Little by little I got up from my bed, while a cold sensation passed through my back, and my joints felt stressed by the same cold that was in that room.


I yawned as I stretched my pale, soft arms up, and rubbed my hands over my tired eyes, which refused to open.

After struggling for about two minutes, I managed to open my eyes.

"... What time is it…?"

I mumbled, as my messy white hair fell over my face, making it hard for me to see.

I brushed the hair off my face, and hesitantly looked at the clock on my desk. I didn't know how long I slept, but I had a bad feeling.

When I managed to assimilate the hour that was in front of me, I realized that my idiocy was enormous.

7:16 A.M.

I felt that cold feeling that had passed down my back a moment ago just returned. I felt my body tremble from the nervousness that given me seeing the time.

"I'm such an idiot!"

I screamed, and ran up, heading straight for the bathroom. I didn't hesitate for a second to throw water on my face, brush my teeth very quickly and pack my toothbrush, and then go directly to take a quick bath to avoid smelling bad.

This whole situation arose because the day before this, I ended up going to bed later than expected.

When I arrived at my house, I dedicated myself to deciding what to pack in my suitcases for the trip.

I took three suitcases for the trip: one for traveling (luggage), which had wheels for its best transfer, and in which I'd bring clothes for the stay at the inn; a bag to carry on my back, where I'll carry the most essential things for me; and a body-hanging bag, which is similar to high school sports club bags, where I'd put my beach clothes, including other things like a volleyball ball, which we would use to play in the sand.

This was inflatable, so I'd have no problem carrying it in that bag.

I spent around 3 hours deciding and packing the things that I was going to take to the trip. It might seem exaggerated, but that's the way it was. I ended up falling asleep at 11:48 p.m.

For such a stupid reason, I was late enough to fall asleep late, and that's how I ended up waking up late.

"Aaahh, geez..."

I said, as I finished pouring water on my head, and after that, I came out of the bathroom quickly wiping my body with my bath towel.

How can I be so irresponsible?

I thought as I entered my room and took the clothes I was going to wear to go to the train station.

Firstly, I put on my swimsuit as underwear, as this would save me from having to wear underwear and then change when we're on the beach.

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