Chapter 3: "The past and the present"

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A long time ago, in a remote part of England, in the city of London, there was a very famous Bakery, which sells the best pastries in the whole city, and arguably, even the entire country.

A blond man, about 27 years old, named John Baker, was working there.

Interestingly, his last name refers to his work, "Baker". An English man with blond hair and blue eyes.

He opened his bakery by his own once he got ownership of it at age 24, even while studying at university.

He worked a lot on it despite this, and when he graduated, he kept working in that blissful place making all kinds of sweets and cakes. It served tea, coffee, breakfasts, etc.

That place was renowned for its high quality of products. This was because he grew up in a family that had been doing this work for generations, and from which he seemed to have inherited that gift.

Once he found his passion, he set out to open his own store. Once he opened it, he enjoyed every day of his work, preparing and serving everything with a smile on his face.

Little by little, he was hiring staff, while he guided them in the most appropriate and detailed way possible. He was a kind and friendly person to everyone.

One day, on his restaurant, he felt a presence which made the whole environment feel very tense, and which made all his employees and customers, except for him, to be nervous just by feeling that presence.

That presence entered and took a seat in a corner near the window, while she took the menu to see what she's gonna order. 

That person was a young woman, around 25 years old, with dark brown hair.

This woman was Takahashi Nanami. She was a professional critic of restaurants, and everything related with gastronomy. 

She, by name, is of Japanese origin. She had light brown hair, shiny and beautiful brown eyes, and very clean white skin. 

As she sat down, you could see a serious look on her face, with a rather elegant outfit. 

At that time, she was wearing a long black skirt that reached to her ankles, long stockings that were barely visible, a white shirt with a wine-red tie, and a jacket the same color as the tie. 

She was wearing a red and wine red striped scarf, sunglasses, which made her look more "aggressive," and black high-heeled sneakers, but not that high. 

Her tense aura made everyone in the place, except for that man who owned that place, feel uncomfortable. 

The owner of that place, who wasn't tense at all because of the aura that woman had around her, told his employees that he himself would serve her. 

"Good morning Miss. Would you like to order our specialty?" 

Said that man with a serene and happy look. 

The woman, who seemed upset for some reason, simply said:

"I would like the best thing you have in the menu."

"In that case, I will give you what you are looking for." 

He already knew who she was, and therefore, impressing her with his high gastronomic quality would surprise her. 

About 5 minutes passed, when he came out with a small plate, where there was a small cake. 

That woman, looking hesitant and doubtful, seemed surprised by what she was seeing. It was as if she was thinking:

Are you kidding me?

She, with her expression somewhat puzzled but angry, took the fork, took a small piece of cake, and proceeded to eat it. 

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