if you have a panic attack in front of them.

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Requested by HunterSimp!

New character[s], the shadows from the DLC, requested by LyraADA!

I went through half of this damn book to make sure these were the right people who requested this, then went through the ln1 wikki to make sure i give the new characters the right personality, so hopefully i did. *-*


Her hands raise to your head and she starts shaking you, she doesnt know what the hell is going on, she'll shake you really hard and try to get you to stop shaking or hyperventilating.

"Hey! Stop! Stop stop stop! ...im saying stop!"


Immediately pulls you into a mono death grip [yes i know i use that a lot, but its all i can think of to describe his aggressively loving hugs], he'll just rock back and forth with you on his lap, telling you everything's okay.

"H-hey, look at me! You're gonna be okay, i promise...!


Starts freaking out and asking you what he needs to do, if you're unable to respond, he'll just put his hands on either sides of your shoulder and assure you that he'll help you, and like he said, hell be next to you the entire time, repeating a sentence

"Im here...i-im here...how do i help you...?!"


Knows panic attacks all too well, so he'll immediately know if you're starting to have one, he'll rub your back and tell you to breathe and stay calm.

"Hey..! Breathe! Im gonna help you but you have to breathe!"

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Stops whatever shes doing and rushes to you, shes never been around enough people to know what to do, so she just grabs your hands and looks you in the eyes, trying to sooth you.

"Shh...its okay, you're okay.."


Runs to his little stack of medical books and grabs the one hes seen panic attacks mentioned in, unfortunately, following it word by word isnt exactly his thing when hes stressed.

"Okay, i need to-wait what if i-..augh!! Why isnt this making sense?! It usually always makes sense!"

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Has probably had some panic attack in his teen years of being stuck in the tower, so he understands how scary and slow it can seem, he doesnt really know how to help stop it, but he knows that having you around stopped him from having panic attacks, so hes gonna stay with you.

"I know it hurts, and i know its really scary and you feel like you're in a spiral of bad stuff...but it'll be okay, im gonna help you like you help me...!"


Has had at least one student whos had a panic attack, so she'll recognize a few bits and pieces of what you're doing, but unfortunately for you, that student fell out a window, so she doesnt have the experience to know how to help you.

"Uh...u-uh...what do i do?! Do i give you CPR or just shake you?! Tell me before i just guess!!"

Mr. Janitor~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He hears it and probably knows almost instantly, he sees panic attacks solely as the word 'panic', so he'll try to calm you down by telling you old memories he has of you.

"Remember when i met you? I accidentally dropped something and you picked it up for me...i really like that day! Do you feel better? cause i have more stories if you don't...!"

Raincoat girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Walks over and rubs your back, she hasnt really seen people have panic attacks, so she just does what shes wanted you to do when she feels scared.

"Its alright...its okay, i promise that you'll be fine."


[A scenario where they can talk instead of making creeping noises was odly amusing]

The few around would try to get you to stop, and a few more who walk in while its happening would just watch in confusion, but only one could probably help, making the others mad.

"Hey, look at me! Breath in and out..!"

"No no, breath really fast and look at the light!"

"You two are dumb."

"Then get over here and help us if you're so smart!"

"...well look at the tim-"



She has no godamn clue whats happening, so she just calls for the butler and yells at him to help you...that was a very stressful day.

"Dont shake them, you're gonna hurt them! I swear to the Tower if you dont help them stop doing whatever's going on I'll ship you to the Hospital across sea for a test subject!!"


They dont know whats going on and immediately assume you're dying, one screams and starts throwing random shit while the other one is death gripping you and close to tears.


"Noooo!! I dont want you to die! Please dont diee!!!"


Because of living in mostly gloom from the dark spots of the maw, at least a dozen have had panic attacks from the sudden realization of how grim it is, because of that a good amount of them know how to help.

"Its okay, we promise..."

"Its fine to feel scared, its normal."

"Dont feel lost over this, you'll feel better soon."

"Breathe in..breathe out..can you do that for me?"

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