if you found a cat.

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I don't remember who requested this, so comment if its you! I'll edit and tag you!

Me, powering through the overall shitty week: >:3

Finds giant dark lump on my inner thigh: °-°


Stares at you while you coo at it and pet it, she doesnt like it and tries to drag you away from it...she herself is basically a cat, so she doesnt want another one stealing attention from her.


Immediately names it mr. Fluffs, its now yours and his child. He adores that cat just as much as you, now you have a little family...you've caught him holding mr. Fluffs up and singing the lion king theme.


He stands behind you, not liking the sentient fur potato, he may get along with it sooner or later, but for now...he doesn't trust it.


Tries to pick it up and gets scratched, he immediately hates it and wont touch it ever again, he'll loom behind chairs if its around, its funny until he starts screaming profanities when it gets close to him...meh, that's still funny.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She likes it pretty quickly, its her reading time buddy, she'll read a book and pet the cat until one of then falls asleep, its actually adorable, you walk in sometimes and both are asleep.


No no no, he will try to surgically attach wings onto it, DON'T LET HIM GO FULL METAL ALCHEMIST MODE ON THE POOR THING-- [I am deeply sorry for whoever gets this]

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Its now his therapy animal. When he gets anxious he'll hunt the cat down and pet it for a really long time. He named it 'kindness'...not in a nice way, he did that so he could throw it at people he hates and say he killed them with kindness.


Teachers pet in such a literal way, she'll take it to every class and never let it out of her sight...such a spoiled cat.


He loves petting it, you'll find him holding the cat and just smiling like a little kid, he's unbelievably wholesome, that cat just doubles it.

Raincoat girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

....she would try to tape knives to it and call it her 'death cat', then she'd get frustrated when it just licks itself instead of doing anything.


Its the class pet now, the only thing besides you they don't want to physically or mentally kill, they'll even steal stuff and make a little house for the cat.


Its name is royal now, its the most spoiled animal in the entire damn world. It has its own bedroom, dining room, even its own fucking bathroom for a LITTER BOX.


They dub it little carrot, they love it to pieces and dare not take it around the dining areas, ever outrun a guest with a fat cat? Little carrot stays in the quarters.

Shadow six~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I want to say shed hate it like she does most humans...but she loves the thing, she would shank somebody before she lets that cat get hurt. Its name is five, she will never leave without it.

Shadow children~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

New coping mechanism! The new therapy pet, they named it ruby and they love it more than they loved living.

Shadow mono~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

....he named it Arson. Then he tried to get it to shoot guns so he could make it an assassin cat, its only until it starts biting the trigger and it goes off on his foot does he realize he can't teach a cat to shoot.

Shadow seven~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He teaches it to steal your things and bring it to him. He had an entire shrine of the things the cat brought to him....he named it cupid, a cute name until you realize that he thinks by bringing your things to him that your love is greater, aka cupids arrow...poor cat.


He named it goblin and taught it a lot of dumb tricks, now he just laughs as it rolls around the floor and makes weird noises....both the cat and ghost are weird as hell.

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