you waking up after you 'die'.

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Requested by just_that_werid_kid!

My premonition has been going crazy lately, i randomly get little visions and they come true after a few minutes, wouldn't be concerning if i didn't get a really weird feeling about the group chat my sibling made me join.


She just sat there, staring at you, she didn't cry...but she was devastated. When you raise up, She practically jumps out of her skin, just staring back at you with shock written all over her face.



He was crying the second you stopped moving, holding you close to him and rocking on the floor. when your eyes opened, he nearly screams, he is completely sure you died, but it only takes a few minutes before his shocked face turns into a grin.

"You're alive!! How?! I mean, im really happy,"


When you woke up after 'dying', you saw the poor boy sobbing besides you, whispering wishes that you'd get up and leave with him, when he realized you were awake, he smiled and hugged you tight, still sobbing.

"You're awake! I knew you wouldn't leave me, i knew it!"


You opened your eyes and saw him curled up beside you, you could hear him choking back cries, and he was holding your hand tightly, he jolted up when he felt your hand squeeze back, in that second he legitimately thought he died, but when he put his hand on the side of your head, he started chuckling, although he may have been crying too, there were a lot of tears.

"You fucking dumbass, you really made me think you were dead! Don't do that again..!"

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She had her mask off and was wiping tears off beside you, she had so many regrets, she wanted to tell you she loved you so much, but when she stared at your motionless body, she knew it was too late. her eyes were wide when she saw yours open, instead of putting her mask back on, she smiled and kissed all over your face, tears still falling down her face.

"I was so worried that you really did die...i love you beyond words, never forget that.."


Although this man is a doctor, he was too caught up in grief to bother checking your damn pulse, so when you rise up, he's both terrified and overjoyed.

"How can this....n-nevermind, im so glad you're still alive..."

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He was sobbing on the floor when you woke up, when he saw you, he immediately pulled you into a tight hug and cried next to you.

"I-i thought, I-....don't leave me again!"


She locked herself away from the world, the second you went completely limp is the second she got up and went straight for her music room. She didn't leave there for the rest of the day. When she woke up in there, she expected to go outside and see you still laying there, but you weren' pulled her in a hug, and she was more than confused.

"This isn't possible, i-it cant be...(y/n)..."


He never knew, he thought you were sleeping, he stayed there and played with your hair until he felt you rise up, then he smiled like nothing happened.

"Good morning! You've been asleep for a while, that must've been a great nap...!"

Raincoat girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She has never cried in her entire life, but when she saw your eyes roll back, she cried a rivers worth of tears, she just...held onto you, screaming for you to wake up, when she felt you move, she just cried more, holding you tighter as you woke up.

"W-what the hell?! You made me think you died!! D-don't do that!!"


An all out fight broke out when you 'died', nobody was there to stop them yelling, so it started turning into a bloody mess. The second you woke up, you tried your best to make sure the fight broke up, and it definitely did when they saw you get up and glare at them.

"...what in the FUCK?!"

"You're alive! Take that, death!"

"You died and rose're a zombie!"


She was on her knees, gently shaking you and whispering 'wake up' or 'please get up', she started crying after a while, but when your eyes slowly opened, she smiled so wide and took your hand.

"You scared me to you feel okay? Lightheaded? You shouldn't get up immediately...we can stay here for a second, okay?"


One was sobbing, one was pacing the room and trying not to break down as well...they don't know what happened, it was so quick...the crying one keeps trying to make you stand up, and the other one is yelling at them. When you open your eyes and stare at them, they both look beyond happy, and beyond terrified.

"You're alive....thank fuck, he was crying so much!"

"Lies!! I was just...scared!"

Shadow six~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You'd expect her to just walk off, but she sits beside you...and she starts to cry. The only person she has ever even liked...dead beside her. She cant help but start sobbing when the realization that you're not coming back hits her. When you open your eyes, she rubs her eyes and stares at you.

"You're....alive....(y/n), what the hell happened...?"

Shadow children~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Some cry, some expected it, but they're all at least a bit sad, some even relied on you for a coping mechanism, so some just break down when they see you. When you raise up, they all go silent, some run to hug you, some laugh, and some just smile.

"You're alive! I-i thought you were gone forever...!"

"You really scared!"

"Im glad you're alive...we would've really missed you."

Shadow mono~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

In that one second of you hitting the floor, the psychotic chaos boy was finally silent...he was completely silent, no laughs, no screams. He didn't want to walk away, so he laid next to you and curled up, finally starting to feel the grief. When you woke up, he was asleep next to you, you dragged him to bed and laid next to him. When he woke up, he sighed, pulling you closer to him.

"That was a horrible nightmare..."

Shadow seven~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He just...breaks down, screaming, crying, he can't stop himself, you were the one thing he never thought would leave him...he starts to aggressively try CPR, Hitting your chest with as much force as he can, screaming for you to wake up, that you cant leave him alone. When you wake up and raise from the pain, he smiles and pulls you close, sobbing on your shoulder.

"You can't leave me, not ever, okay???"


He's on the brink of tears, but cant cry, he cant say a word, but he cant scream either, its like Ghost broke. He just stares at you with wide eyes, a hand on your limp one, when your hand moves and your eyes open, he gasps and feels tears finally run down his face, helping you sit up.

"Are you hurt? Headache? I want to make sure you don't have a concussion...! Just...don't stand up yet, i don't want you to fall again..."

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