if they were gender swapped

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Requested by blackkillerbunny!

New characters, shadow mono and shadow seven, requested by LittleQueenie_123!


probably doesn't notice, she just goes on with her life and doesn't notice a thing...until she has to use the bathroom, then she is petrified.


At first he doesnt mind, 'no sensitive areas to be kicked to make me hurt!', although he wasnt expecting breasts to hurt like hell, now hes just given up trying to have no pain.


Scared little boy, he doesnt know what to do or say to get it undone, you may have to calm him down, because hes gonna start to hyperventilate if he doesnt start breathing.


At first hes pretty smug, no more dumb guy problems! Unfortunately for him his body was somehow in a menstrual cycle at the time, now hes curled up on the floor and sobbing in pain with blood all over his pants.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Doesn't care as long as it doesn't interfere with her job, and probably doesn't look that different, so the others in the maw may not even realize it. [I am now imagining a male version of her with long messy hair and i am SIMPING EVEN MORE]


Doesn't mind, he goes on with little to no problems, besides some problems with his now sensitive chest, he's basically the same person he is as a male...but he is terrified of being a woman for too long and getting a menstrual cycle.

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

At first hes excited to try out his new body, but he gets a little bit too excited and starts jumping...now he is in pain from his chest and wants his old boy body back.


Is a little concerned about how her students may react to a male walking in instead of the teacher they know, but besides that she doesn't really care...until one of the male students kick her where the sun doesn't shine.


Doesnt effect him in the slightest, he cant see so he doesnt know he looks different, he doesnt jump or do anything that'd hit him in new sensitive areas, so he wont know his body's different..he probably wont even know hes different for that entire time.

Raincoat girl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[Unrelated, im listening to michelle and the second i wrote her name it said 'take off your coat'...i laughed and now my family is staring, h e l p-]

Doesnt mind, she goes on her way and acts calmly about it, she doesnt really find any reason to want her body back, or to wanna keep this one, she doesnt have any preference to male or female body.


All of them are still chaotic little shits, there is absolutely no difference to their violent nature, they are arsonists and assholes, no matter what gender.


Still wears dresses, and still rocks it in them, she doesnt mind at all, and may even get some boy clothes like button ups and tuxedos to try on, although she may just stick with the dresses, male or female she looks amazing in them.


One is scared of what it means for his daily life, while the other is just vibing and cooking some food, you may walk in on one having a crisis while the other is just eating and shrugging at you and his now petrified twin.

Shadow six~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Gives 0 fucks, she still lives her ominously silent and chaotic life, male or female. She identifies as a problem for humanity, whether its as a guy or a girl.

Shadow kids~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Some may be worried about it, but most wouldn't mind, as long as they can still read books and play, they don't mind looking differently, some may even embrace and like the change.

Shadow mono~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[Im gonna make him and shadow seven just mono and seven's usual personalities/problems, but ×2, so normal mono being really energetic and slightly controlling means shadow mono is inhumanely energetic and really controlling of people.]

He will be smiling widely at his achievement, he can now use this to screw with people he doesn't like...please stop him, because he can and will start trying to make people fall for him so he can screw with their hearts.

Shadow seven~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[And shadow seven is also a ×2 of seven, meaning he over thinks really badly and is also insanely possessive and yandere-like]

Feels like the weight of the world is on him, he feels really bad about wanting to say something bad about it from fear of angering girls that hear him, but at the same time hes really happy on having a way to figure out nerve points on female bodies, like ones that make you pass out or make you go into shock, For...future reasons...!

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