✨Anpanman Jungkook Hyung 🦸✨

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The members sat there in silence, Soobin was fiddling with his fingers, Yeonjun was holding onto Beomgyu tightly and Taekai were holding each other's hands as the best new artist was about to be announced.


"Please, please, please, please, please let it be us." were the thoughts travelling through TXT's head at the time.

IS........................TOMORROW X TOGETHER 🎉🎉🎉

The members felt a shiver run down their spine as they stood up straight, they all got emotional except Huening kai who let out an awkward laugh, they ran up to the stage where they were greeted by loud cheers, the members delivered an awesome thankyou speech and came back down to be greeted with bows and congrats by their seniors and juniors. 

TXT couldn't describe how proud and overwhelmed they felt. The event was almost coming to an end when Taehyun decided to get his makeup re touched because he had cried A LOT, He didn't bother asking the members but he just went to the stylist's room who was re touching BTS's makeup, their stylist noona who recognized him almost immediately went to do his makeup as BTS greeted him and shouted a congrats. 

His makeup was finally done and he went outside to sit with his group only to find half of the groups missing including TXT, Taehyun was starting to get a panic attack, TXT must have not noticed his disappearance and they must have gone home he thought as he paced around the empty hallways, He saw a couple of groups still sitting though, groups like BTS, EXO, BLACKPINK and TWICE were still sitting but getting ready to leave. Taehyun thought about going to the stylist's room again and asking his stylist noona to call their manager, he entered the room but didn't find anyone, the room looked weird, 

"Oh no" Taehyun thought, this was the outfit room which was quite far from the room that he entered before, "how did he even end up in here?"he thought as he felt himself getting sweaty and nervous, His breathing got heavier and his eye sight got blurry, all he heard before fainting and falling down was TAEHYUN-AH.

Time Skip: ⏰ "Taehyun is conscious again"⏰

Taehyun's POV

"I opened my eyes as I felt soft blankets around me, I moved a little bit only to find something soft tickling my face..." Huening?" I said which came out a little too loudly than I intended to and woke Huening up. "Hyunnieeeee" He yelled before engulfing me into a huge hug and burying his head in my chest.

"Hhaah ningning, c-can't breathe" I struggled to say to which kai laughed and loosened his hug.

"What happened ningning?" I asked having very little memory of what had happened at the event

"You fainted and Jungkook hyung drove you here." Kai said as I widened my eyes

"Jungkook hyung?" I asked "Is he still here?" I added

"Yeah, wait I'll call him" Kai said as he rushed outside to call Jungkook hyung and the rest.

Kai's POV

I was so happy that hyunnie had woken up, he was really stressing me out, nonetheless I rushed outside and called Jungkook hyung and the others to come inside.

"Hyungs Taehyun has woken up" I announced as Jungkook hyung and the rest rushed to my room to see Taehyun.

Taehyun's POV:

"Taehyun, how are you feeling?" Jungkook hyung asked while sitting beside me on the bed

"Good hyung thank you for dropping me off" I replied

"No problem dongsaeng and I'm glad you're feeling better" Jungkook hyung said while ruffling my hair

"I'll get going now Taehyun, Jinn hyung will be worried byeee dongsaeng take care" Jungkook hyung said

"Bye hyung, make sure to visit someday" I said as Jungkook hyung smiled and nodded

Jungkook hyung left and I looked up to see 3 stern pair of eyes (Soobin, Yeonjun and Beomgyu).

"Uhhhhhhh, hello Hyungs" I said with a smile

"It's great you are all right we were all worried but you should have asked before leaving hyunnie" Soobin said as his eyes softened

"Yeah Taehyun, I'm grateful we have caring Hyungs like Jungkook but it's better to be safe than sorry next time and I'm cooking your favorite dinner tonight" said Yeonjun while rubbing Taehyun's arm

"Yeah Tae, I was actually really worried, I don't know what we would have done if Jungkook hyung wasn't there and BTW hyunnie I am the one who's cooking your favorite side dish" said Beomgyu while smiling at Taehyun

"I'll be more careful next time hyungs I promise and you don't need to worry because I'm alright" I replied

I stared at Kai who was looking down not bothering to say anything, it seemed like Soobin had seen me staring and said "Yeah Taehyun thank god you woke up because huening almost cried to his own death"

"I-I d-didn't cry" Kai interrupted

I looked at Kai and noticed his puffy eyes and red nose, my vision had gotten clearer now and I could see his red cheeks clearly. He looked tired and kind of sad so I opened my arms and watched as Kai's eyes lit up and jumped in for a hug and cuddles of course,

"Ok you too dinner will be ready in an hour so don't sleep now" said Soonbin as Beomgyu and Yeonjun went out the room with him.

"Sorry for making you cry angel" I apologized feeling guilty

"No, it's not your fault hyunnie" Kai replied as he snuggled closer.

I turned on the AC as I felt kai pull me closer to himself and hug my waist.

"Good night hyunnie......love......you" Kai whispered as he drifted off to sleep.

"Good night and love you too kai" I said as I placed a peck on his hands that were wrapped around my waist.

I hope you guys enjoyed and especially the person that requested this, I don't know how they would feel about me mentioning their id here but I'll ask and if they don't have a problem with it, I'll for sure give them credit for this awesome idea Thanks 😊 

I hope you guys enjoyed and especially the person that requested this, I don't know how they would feel about me mentioning their id here but I'll ask and if they don't have a problem with it, I'll for sure give them credit for this awesome idea T...

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-Don't mind the cross and the other things haha I just liked the picture

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